Chapter 55- Ruthless Apologies

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" I'm so sorry Oliver. I really wanted to be with you today."

" Be with me? " I realized what I said and chocked on my words. My fingers trembled.

" I mean, Ugh I meant see you!!- Crap!-I'm sorry! you know what I meant- right? "

He giggled.

" Its fine. I wanted to be with you too today. " An awkward silence filled between us as I processed the information he told me.

" Oh, well I'm gonna go.. see you... tommorow? "

" Tommorows fine." he said before hanging up.


" You're late.." He scowled. I shut the car door and placed my hands in the back of my jeans pocket.

" I'm here. You should be thanking me.."

" You're mother should be thanking you. Not me." He crossed his arms and stood before me. Pale faced, a crease at the top of his forehead. Damn.. this man has changed. Something has taken over my father and here I stand doing absolutely nothing about it.

" What's that plan of yours? "

he grinned.

" See, that's what I want to hear. I'm glad your finally getting it." He cleared his throat.

" We can't talk here." He walked away. He didn't exactly tell me to follow him it was like an unspoken order. Reluctantly like an untrained lost puppy I followed. We sat at a far away bench, he was silent for moment just a moment before he was barking orders and discussing discussing the plan. He pulled out a horribly drawn map of the Alabama State Prison.

" How do you know the prison so well? "

" I've got a couple of buddies who've been down in the bucket for a few years. " I nodded. Wondering if that was in fact true. To be completely honest I've been finding it hard to believe anything my father utters. He's been lying all of my life and it takes a lot of time to gain that trust we used to have.

He gave me a slight smile before pointing out the different cell blocks of the jail.

" He's in Cell block D. I know it. I researched him from Big Joe white before I paired up with you. So this is what your going to do.. he gets 2 visit days a month. You used up one you have another. I want you to use that one visit date to bring in food for him. You could sit and eat with him.  I've been working in a lab-"

" A lab? research? what is all of this? "

I interrupted. He grunted.

" It's called studying. Something teenagers are never good at."

I nodded.

" Anyway, before I was rudely interrupted I've been in a lab...And i made some Petroleum from an old air freshener I found."

" Ok... So what does air fresheners have to do with killing someone? "

He squeezed the bridge of his nose.

" The petroleum had fatal chemicals in it that irratates the lungs, mucus, and nervous system that could cause damage.. in other words.. murder. "

I felt a knot in my stomach.

" So.. what do I say when he dies? "

" It won't be right there.. it'll take some time to digest into his body. It'll pass off as suicide."

I nodded obtaining all of this information as it poured into my brain.

" Nice plan."

" Indeed."

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