Chapter 38- The Faults Of Sluttiness

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" What do you think you're doing?!? "

Oliver asked pulling me outside the club. Vegas lights shimmered in my eyes but I couldn't take them all in. Not with Oliver in my face and what not.

" What am I doing? What were you doing? I was just trying to have some fun." I smiled. He crossed his arms a vain popping out of his forehead and his jaw clenched.

" I asked you to dance but you would dance with someone you don't even know?? "

" And you? You didn't know those girls now did you? "

He sighed.

" That's not the point. "

His muscles settled and his vain vanished.

" Then what is the point Oliver?!?! Why are we having this conversation? Were not dating.. Were just friends."

A flash of hurt appeared in the pupils of his eyes.

" Just friends huh? Alright."

He begun to turn away but I helplessly grabbed his wrist.

" Oliver.. Please don't be mad." He shook me off.

" Whatever." And stalked off back into the club.

Authors Note-

Sorry this chappie was short! and Just saying I forgot to add in a part. Oliver doesn't know about the mystery caller.. He thought it was Drew when he said 'Is it Him?' Yeah. Lol. Sorry about that! Anyway!!! The Mystery person is going to be a shock! XD Vote and Comment!! Tell me what you think! Seriously VOTE & COMMENT!! or I will be forced to not write for a month! Lmaoo just Kidding! But seriously tell me c:< Til the next chappie cx Love you all. Bye. cx

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