Chapter 37- Vegas Lights

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It wasn't long until the band were playing in loud concerts. Meanwhile I hung out in the back and played Temple Run in the dressing room. The guys always came back sweaty and pumped. So pumped we would always hit a bar or a Night club where we would load off for the night. I wasn't a shy drinker, actually I was really rowsy and untamed when I had a decent amount of shots.

Today we were hitting Vegas, and I heard the set was going to be huge. What did I know? All I did was play stupid games on my phone and tried to close out the music as well as the screaming fans.

" It's going to be fun Britt. Vegas has the best night hits." Oliver said laying back against the bed. I shoved him off.

" Yes. I agree. "

I gave him a slight smile.

" Were going to the UK in a week or so. Now that should be interesting."

" Since you originate there? " I said mocking his British accent.

He gave me a cheeky smile and nudged my side.

" Yes.. I was born there. So were my parents and family. And don't mock my accent. You loved it in kindergarten."

I laughed.

" That was when I didn't have a brain. " I shot him a side glance.

" That's a lie."

He shot back.

" You love it just as much as you love the Oli Dance." He trotted along the room hands behind his back doing seriously killer but stupid foot moves.

" Stop it! you're embarrassing yourself." I laughed. Almost bringing tears of joy to my eyes.

And just like that my smile faded when the sound of my phone vibrated in my pocket. I fumbled for it and stared at once again 'Blocked Call.'

Oliver curiously stared at me.

" Is it him again? " His eyes grew dark his muscles clenched.

I shook my head and held my phone close to my chest.

" It's um... Kristy. A friend I made back at school." I lied. I scurried out the room before I could answer any further questions. And pressed answer.

" Hello? "

My heart thudded.

" It's you again. I'm glad you answered. I thought for sure you wouldn't."

His voice still the same. Rusty yet young and unknown.

" Look, I don't know who you are? But if this is some joke. I'm not in a place of jokes and laughter right now."

" Who hurt you? "

How did he know I was hurt?

" Just the loss of someone OK?" I don't know why I decided to tell him that I loss someone it just came out. Maybe I was annoyed. Or maybe I just wanted to tell someone.

" He killed your mom? Didn't he? " My heart stopped.

" Who is this?!? and how did you know about my mom?!? " And just like yesterday the phone cut off.

The party was bright and luminous I hung close to the bar drinking up a couple shots and smiling at Oliver who was dancing with the rest of the group.

" Wanna dance doll? " A man asked. His head shining bald, his teeth decayed and his clothes smelled of Alcohol and weed.

" I'm not in the mood. Maybe next time."

He smiled and was swooped away by a cloud of sluts wearing basically no clothes if it weren't for the tiny clothes covering their V and breast.

" Let's dance Britt." Oliver came up to me. Doing his stupid Oli dance with an outstretched hand.

I shook my head.

" I'm a little tired.." It wasn't technically a lie. I was worrying too much of things that I couldn't enjoy the night.

" Come on! " A smile spread across my face.

" Get lose Sykes or I shall cut off your balls."

He giggled and pulled back holding his crotch.

" I need them so I'm going to walk away now." I laughed as he slowly Oli danced back to the group.

" 2 more please." I said to the bar tender who immediately begun to pour Vodka in a shot glass.

She handed them to me with a genuine smile turning away to wipe the tables.

I brought the shot to my mouth and let the substance crawl down my throat. Each time I drunk it it gave me this kind of electric feeling spreading throughout my body.

I set the finished glass down and stared back at Oliver who was now accompanied by tons of sluts.

But their was this one in particular that made me fight back from spiraling out of control. Maybe it was the way he held her waist as she grinding along his member to the music. In the pit of my stomach was a burning sensation that made me want to gag yet again rip every hair out of that sluts scalp.

But me and Oli were just friends......right?

I stood up.

" Two could play at that game." And I casually strutted over to a man cat calling at the end of the bar table. He had dark brown hair, green eyes, and muscular arms. He looked like a high school tool. Another football jock mindlessly strutting through school with the fattest ego ever!

I gave him a slutty smile.

" Want to dance? " He sipped up his shot and gave me a wide grin.

" Hell yeah." I took his hand and led him through the crowd just close enough to Oliver to catch his attention. Which was pretty hard considering the amount of girls at his heels.

What was I doing? I didn't know how to grind? Or make slutty moves. So I did what every rookie would do. I studied my competition.

The way her hips swayed along with the beat and her cocky smile always planted on her lips. I waited for the next song. And just as I wished it was a perfect song. 'Freak by Estelle' Which was pretty odd since she had my middle name.

I held his neck and dropped down to the floor. Slowly moving up and curving my hips just enough to make me look professional.I turned and twisted and as they call it 'backed it up' just enough for people to stop dancing and take some notes.

I could see from the corner of my eye Oliver stood still. A shocked expression on his face. I smiled and did the most sluttiest thing I could think of....and unfortunately I kissed him. Macking away as he pulled me closer to his member. Driving me practically insane. His hands trailed everywhere as I heard sudden cat calls and horny men ranting us on. I tight grip was planted on my forearm and I was pulled away by stranger. I cussed through my teeth to stare at Oliver.

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