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Sonny Jenkins Case;

With the further investigation of the Police Department leads to cooperate some people to give out their information regarding to the case of the dead writer, one of them, whom known as the publishing company's chief editor whose been in contact with Sonny Jenkins since he signed a contract under the publishing company.

According to Jonah Mira, Chief Editorial, that Sonny J has been hiatus since last year because of having his work rejected two times knowingly that Sonny Jenkins has been a best seller book author.

Jonah Mira said, "I know it's hard for us to reject his work, I know he knows that it has too many complications to write on. He work hard for it, I know that. But he insist that there's nothing wrong in his work, I told him to revise what I suggested but he didn't follow it. I don't know what's the big deal with it but after that, he never came to email or contact the company about his works."

She added, "the company is in shock to know that he is dead. Despite of the things happen, we commemorate such things as he is a part of the company as an author. Actually, one of his works has been lined up for a motion picture."

Although the happenings may be quite derailed for the both parties, the Chief Editor speaks out that she isn't clearly an accessory to the murder or suicide of Sonny Jenkins.

"Having his work rejected doesn't mean that's the reason he is dead. We believe that. He is still receiving his royalty recently after he found dead. We the publishing company has no intend to harm himself because he got rejected..."

Many were shook of what Jonah Mira stated but she really assures that they don't kill Sonny Jenkins but instead before she ended the interview and off cam she spoke of something.

"You can push me at all but I'm telling you, it isn't me. Maybe the people around him, friends, co-writer or even his relatives might be the suspect."

And lately, North Valley Police Department wanted for questioning the people who commented to a certain social media post made by Caleigh Yuan.

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