CH-1: An Ordinary Day...?

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Okay! First story, and I am SO excited!

Let's get started, shall we?


It all started as a normal day at Front Range Highschool, with the entire school bustling about with their lives. It was the middle of the school year, and people were already bored with school. I myself wanted nothing more than to go back home and watch TV. The teachers and staff did what they could to make classes interesting. That is, if you enjoy sitting through numerous educational clips that have no chance of ever becoming useful in the future. For instance, math; I say that there's a solution for all math problems without having to solve anything - a calculator!

Sorry, got sidetracked there for a moment. Anywho, I considered it a normal day for the most part.

Yawning into my hand, I did my best to pay attention to the teacher at the front of the class. He was droning on about numbers and letters and stuff. Seriously, when is this stuff gonna come in handy?! There should be a program that lets you chose your career, then gives you the classes you actually need. I don't think being a writer would require this much math. Who cares where x is? If he fled the scene, I don't blame him.

The bell rang, signalling the end of the class. I quickly grabbed my drawstring backpack, notebooks, and pencil case, and high-tailed it out of there. Mr. Gregory looked annoyed that he didnt get to finish his speech on the history of x's disappearances or whatever.

I could care less, frankly. I only had one more class for the day; Writing. If there's one class I look forward to each day, it's that one. I love to write, and own plenty of spiral notebooks filled with fanfictions, doodles, and ideas. If it wasn't obvious, I'm a heavily inspired teenager. In order to escape my boring reality, I write about the things that I wish to happen.

I reached the classroom quickly, taking my seat and opening the notebook I had been carrying around.

A Discorded Love was scribbled on the top. I had recently began watching the TV series, My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic. Other than the hardworking Apple Jack, my favorite character was Discord. How he managed to capture my attention was beyond me. But his unique appearance, his lack of making sense, and the way he managed to cause havoc made me smile. I couldn't help but create a beautiful story for his character.

In the story, Maria, which is me, is a mischevious pony in Equestria. Long story short, she captures the attention of Discord, and he wishes for her to assist him in his newest plan to take over Equestria. It occurs the first time Discord breaks free from his stone prison. Anyway, the two end up unintentionally falling for each other, much to the dislike of Equestria.

I sighed, admiring my brilliant ideas. I loved to put myself in my stories, seeing as it makes it more personal.

I grabbed a mechanical pencil from my pouch and began to write. The bell rang and class began. As usual, I ignored everyone else and continued to write. Next thing I knew, a page and a half was written on.

Above me, a voice cleared her throat. I looked up and into the gentle brown orbs of Mrs. Klair.

"Would you like to read to the class what your working on that's more important than the lesson?" she asked. I glanced down at what I had just written. I wasn't fond of reading my fanfictions to the class, seeing as it was a mushy romance. Not to mention that I put put myself into the story - Can you say "conceited"? Before I could respond, she motioned for me to stand in front of the class and read. I stared at my notebook a moment longer before standing and trudging to the front of the class.

Clearing my throat, I turned to the front page of my notebook. The story was about ten pages, front to back, almost 3 chapters worth of stuff. I ignored the stares I got and began to read.

"A Discorded Love, by Maria Mohar." I paused, took a deep breath, and continued. My voice was shaky, my hands vibrating slightly. "In the great land of Equestria, there was a small town named Ponyville. At first glance, the town, pastures, and ponies seemed normal. But Ponyville held many wonders. The Apple Farm, for instance, was a place to get sweet apple pie, made by the well-known pony, Granny Smith. Her grandchildren; Apple Jack, Big Macintosh, and young Apple Bloom, helped her to tend the trees and the orchards. Rarity, the stylish designer pony, was normally found in her shop, designing the latest trend. Fluttershy was the kind and gentle soul that helped the animals, for she had the special ability to communicate with any wildlife. In the skies, it wasn't rare to see Rainbow Dash flying through the sky, corralling clouds and showing off her newest tricks. Pinkie Pie, the bestest party pony in the town, was always finding something to celebrate. And in the large tree house, there lived Twilight Sparkle, a beloved student of Princess Celestia, the ruler of Equestria. Twilight practiced her magic, and studied hard like the bright pony she was. Who am I, you ask? I am the mischievous Maria Firestone,"

I looked up to see that I had captivated most of the class, including Mrs. Klair, who had taken a seat at my desk. I smiled. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Before I knew it, I was heading fast towards the last few pages. "It all happened in such a blur, I can barely process what actually happened. One moment, I was watching the field burn with beautiful, crisp flames, the next, I'm nose to nose with the legendary Discord. 'Hello, Ms. Firestone,'" I said, using my best Discord impersonation. "'I believe you were the cause of this...chaos?'"

I closed the notebook, signalling that I was finished. Mrs. Klair blinked as if she was awoken from a trance.

"Why Maria," she breathed, " That was simply captivating. Is this your original story?"

I smiled, shaking my head. "It's simply a fanfiction that I came up with," I admitted. "It's based off a show I watch, called My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic."

She shook her head. "Such a shame. You should be writing your own stories,"

I looked to the ground, thinking about it. Maybe I should? It could open new worlds.

Before I could answer, the dismissal bell rang.

"Oh, I guess that's it for the day!" Mrs. Klair said. "You all have a good day, and I hope to see you all at the Parent-Teacher night,"

I mentally slapped myself. I had forgotten to remind my mom about this. It means I'll have to ask my dad to join me.

As I packed my things, i heard somebody whispering. "She may have a talent for writing, but she uses it for baby shows. I thought she was 17," I grit my teeth. That voice was none other than Beatrice Dean, the popular mean girl of the school. She does nothing else but pick on others that she believes are in need of her advice.

If you call giving a snide remark about someone's looks advice.

I took a deep breath to avoid punching her teeth in. Dean has picked on me since my family moved here during my freshman year. It's been difficult to hold back my rage, but I deal with it. If only I had Discord's powers. I would've made it rain chocolate milk all over her perfect blonde curls and get cotton candy stuck over her perfect features. I smiled at my little fantasy. Oh the laughs I would have! The chaos I would cause! I'd be the Queen of Chaos!

I chuckled to myself. That wouldn't be so bad. I did admire the King of Chaos, after all. I sighed. If only he was real.

A Discorded Love (My Little Pony/Discord)Where stories live. Discover now