CH-28: Unexpected Events

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A/N: I'm still sick, but I think I'll live. Thanks to all of you who wished me a Happy Birthday, and just in case you didn't know, I'll officially be 15 on August 27. 

Anyway, I'm here with another update. I'm sad to say that were slowly closing in on the end of this story, yet I'm excited to start the sequel! I still need to work out a few details, but I'm not going to say anymore, since it'll ruin the surprise!'s the next chapter! ^w^ 


3rd Pony POV

Five months later...

Maria's eyes fluttered open, her red and yellow orbs glancing around the room. Sunlight shone bright through the curtains. She felt the opposite side of the bed to find that it was empty, though slightly warm, meaning that her husband had gotten up early. She turned to the side table, which held a clock that showed that it was about 10:30 in the morning. 

She vaguely wondered what Discord was doing getting up so early, seeing as they almost always woke up together. Swinging her legs over the side of her bed, Maria stretched, letting out an audible yawn. Her mismatched feet padded against the carpeted floor as she walked into the bathroom to fix up the tangled mess that was her hair. 

As she was finishing, her nose detected a faint smell of eggs and bacon. She smiled. Discord was making breakfast. She wasted no time going downstairs, entering the kitchen. Discord had his back turned, but she could see him dressed in a giant chef's hat and apron. 

"Whatcha doin'?" she asked. 

He jumped slightly at the sudden sound of her voice, whirling around to face her. She fought back a snicker as she read the apron. Kiss the cook!

"Maria! What are you doing up?" he asked. 

"I was just going to ask you the same," she said. 

"Well, it was supposed to be a surprise, but I was going to bring breakfast to you," he said. 

Maria smiled as she kissed Discord's cheek. "It might not be a surprise anymore, but I'm still happy you're doing this," 

He smiled goofily. "Anything for my queen," 


The two sat at the dining table, an unusual silence falling over them. Discord looked over his wife with concern. "Are you alright, my dear?"

She looked at her husband, nodding. She didn't want to admit it, but the eggs tasted off. But she didn't want to hurt her husband's feelings. It was, after all, the first time he tried to prepare breakfast on his own. Over the course of the months, Maria was teaching Discord how to cook. He was good at it, which is what confused her. 

His eyebrows furrowed. "It's the eggs, isn't it?" he asked. She shook her head. He gave her a look, and she nodded, avoiding eye contact. "That's strange, they taste fine to me," 

"I don't know why they taste weird. Maybe I'm sick?" she suggested. "No, that can't be it, the bacon smells just fine." (A/N:I don't know if this happens to anyone else, but when my family and I get sick, we can't stand the smell of bacon, or it just smells weird)

She was about to continue when a lump formed in her throat. Her jaw quivered and her mouth began to water. Without further hesitation, she teleported to the bathroom, where she threw up. Discord followed soon after, worry plastered on his features. Maria continued to spill her guts, until she was empty. She leaned back against the wall, eyes closed and breathing ragged. Her body was weakened by the action, and she didn't want to move. 

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