CH-2: The Portal

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When I got home from school, I threw my backpack to the side and rushed upstairs. It was my dad's day off and I knew he was in his entertainment room playing video games.


His back was to me, and he was focused intently on the TV screen, which held a virtual soccer game. When I spoke, he didn't acknowledge me. I thought he had heard me though. I waited for his response. It normally took a while for him to pull his attention away from the screen. When I didn't get an answer, I strolled casually into the room. I watched the screen for a moment, barely interested in whatever was going on. My interests in video games was normally pointed towards zombie-slaying games. When I was standing next to him, I spoke once more. "Dad?"

This time, he heard me. "What, Maria?" he asked.

"What time is Mom getting home?"

"Around 7:30, why?" He had yet to turn his focused gaze onto me. I faced him, hoping my burning stare would make him glance at me.

"Well, I have a Parent-Teacher conference tonight, and it starts at six. I have to be there, otherwise you and mom will have to schedule a conference on another day," I explained. "It won't take too long, I promise."

My dad muttered something under his breath. He paused his game and directed a pointed look my way. I gave him an apologetic look, seeing as I had neglected to tell him.

"Maria, this is the last time I attend something without knowing about it a few days before. Got it?" I nodded my head vigorously. He says this now, but I knew that he would do it again. He turned back to his soccer game, and I left him to play.

Heading downstairs, I grabbed an orange from the fruit basket. Then, I spun around to grab a bottle of tea. I walked into the living room and switched on the TV. As I peeled the orange, I watched one of the reruns of MLP.

* * *

"Maria! Are you ready to leave?"

I jerked at my father's voice, realizing that I had dozed off. I stretched, yawning. "Yeah, Dad, I'm ready!" I called to him.

I stood, running my fingers through my messy hair. The unruly strands of reddish-brown curls were difficult to manage. I grabbed a rubber band from the counter and put my hair up in a pony tail. I looked into the mirror in the hallway to make sure I looked okay.

Piercing green eyes stared back at me, standing out from my light complexion. Light freckles peppered my small nose and my cheeks. I frowned at my appearance. I hated my freckles. They made me look younger, and they made me stand out, something I've hated to do. I'd prefer to just stand in the background and observe.

"Maria, let's go!" my dad urged. Sighing, I glared at my freckles one last time, then turned away from my reflection. Grabbing my notebook and pen, I made one last attempt to fix my clothes so they didn't seem so wrinkly, then met my dad at the front door.

* * *

As we approached the school, the sky was already darkening. The moon was visible on this clear night, illuminating the world with it's peaceful glow.

As I stared at it, however, an odd feeling grew in my stomach. I brushed it off, thinking it was nervousness as to what my teachers would say about me. I climbed out the car, and my eyes caught on to the statue that stood in the front of the school. On top of a large stone box, there was a large horse on it's hind legs, pawing at the air. It had been there ever since the school building was built. It was the reason we were called the Raging Stallions.

The statue seemed to have an eerie glow about it. I felt drawn to it for a moment, but resisted when my dad called to me.

"You seem distracted today, Maria," he said, draping a protective arm around me. I leaned into him, wrapping my arms around his waist. The many things I love about my dad is his attention to detail. I sighed.

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