CH-24: The Letter

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A/N: I'm going to do a time skip. This takes place four nights later, after the kiss, meaning that it's Day 6.  Discord has two days (not including the day the portal opens) to win Maria's heart. 

In case any of you were wondering, I am in my freshman year of high school now, so I've got a lot to get used to. I hope you guys will be patient with me, since updates will most likely be every other day, and since most of them will have to be on my phone, they will be fairly short, so sorry. 

Good news, though; we are nearing a very important time in the story. The question you all are asking is "Will Maria leave?". 

Well, I can't tell you that. You'll find out very soon, though! ^w^

So, on that note, let's continue!


The next few days went by pretty quick, and Discord was growing desperate. He'd done practically everything in an attempt to gain Maria's love and trust back, with no visible success. After he had kissed her, she stayed out of arm's reach. By this time, Discord was willing to do anything. 

But what was left for them to do? 

Meanwhile, Maria was sitting at her desk, writing her first letter to Twilight. Her friends must've been worried sick about her. The quill flew across the page as she wrote, filling the entire page with words. When she had finished, she sat back and read what she had written. 


I'm still living with Discord if you girls were wondering, but it's not as bad as I thought. He hasn't tried to hurt me or anything, but we made a deal; If he manages  to win my heart by the tiime the portal opens, I will stay here with him. If Discord fails, I shall be going home to my original world. 

Honestly, it's been difficult. He's been so sweet, and I have found myself loving him without realizing it. I want to give in, but I know my family is worried about me, and I must return home when the time comes. it's for the best. 

Yes, I said it. I love Discord. But he mustn't know, not ever. 

I am sorry to be leaving you all as well. You ponies have shown me that friendship is truly magic, and that no force is strong enough to break it.  

On a happier note, my birthday is tomorrow! I will try to convince Discord to allow me to visit you guys to celebrate, (I know Pinkie Pie will be dying to plan for my party!). I can't wait to see you all!!



She heaved a sad sigh, crumbling the paper. It was better for them not to know about the deal, her departure, and her birthday. Not even Discord will know. 

Maria tossed the ball at the wastebasket, missing and making it bounce against the room. She disregarded it, summoning a  new paper and writing a shorter version of the letter, detailing the fun she's been having and how they needn't worried about her. Without another thought, she used a letter sending spell with her fire, similar to how Spike sent Twilight's letters to Princess Celestia and vice versa. 

She puffed out the candle that lit her room, flopping down onto the bed. Curling up, she fell asleep almost instantly. 

In Discord's room, he sat on the edge of the bed he never used, absorbed in his own thoughts. He went through every possible way to get Maria to love him again. 

"Still thinking?" Mirror Discord chimed in. 

"Go away," Discord snapped. "I don't need your useless ideas!" 

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