CH-14: Ponynapped and Betrayal

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((Warning: Discord OOC(Out of character) in this chapter!!))

When I found myself drifting towards consciousness, the first thing I noticed was that I was handcuffed. My mind panicked, although my senses were not yet together yet. Why was I handcuffed? Did I do something wrong?

Where am I?

I took a deep breath from my nose, and instantly regretted it. It smelled of urine and other body fluids, as well as an old moldy smell. I gagged, now breathing through my mouth. I tried to concentrate on the reason I was here. I tried to remember what happened before I passed out. Discord was playing with Twilight, who was the last to turn into her opposite personality. I was laying on a cloud, watching everything happen, then...somepony forced a gag over me...and I passed out.

My stomach felt queasy. I was kidnapped! Or rather, ponynapped.

Either way, some pony took me away from Discord.

I looked around, my vision a bit blurry. Blinking to clear my sight, I could make sense of my surroundings-I was in a prison-type cell. Once more, my panic button was pushed. I tried to stand, but I became dizzy almost immediately. I groaned, screwing my eyes shut at the uncomfortable sensation.

For a few seconds, I could barely think straight. When the feeling passed, I thought about escape immediately. Plan A-which has no chance of failing: Use my Draconnequus powers!

I grinned, thinking how foolish my captor was to let this fact slip their minds. I focused on getting out of these uncomfortable handcuffs.


The handcuffs didn't go away. Eyebrows furrowed in confusion, I tried again.




I couldn't use my magic! But why? How? WHO?!

Several groups of horse feet drew my attention away from my serious predicament. Could these ponies be my captors?

My ears focused in on the sounds as they echoed through the cell rooms. Apparently, I was the only one occupying one. The steps came closer, and my breath hitched in my throat as I saw who it was.

"P-Princess Celestia?!" I stuttered in shock.

"Maria Firestone," she said, her voice stern and void of emotion. It was if she was displeased to see me. Gee, I wonder why? "You are wondering why you are here, yes?"

I nodded mutely. My eyes glanced over to the two guards who accompanied the princess of Equestria. Their eyes stared at me in disgust, and I cowered from Princess Celestia's disappointed tone.

"You were trusted to assist my student and her friends to defeat Discord, and you betrayed them," she said. "What do you have to say for yourself?"

I couldn't find the words. What do you say in situations like this? I couldn't be a sarcastic little troublemaker when I sat right in front of the Princess herself. My heart pounded loudly in my ears and I gulped, hoping they couldn't hear it. I thought about what Discord would want me to do.

Play dumb of course!

"Wh-what are you talking about?" I asked quietly, my voice shaking. Her eyes glanced over me, and I tried to make it appear that I was weak and helpless. In fact, I was scared for my life at that moment. They couldn't send me back for almost another year!

"It would make things go faster if you cooperate. If you chose to be difficult, your punishment will be imprisonment. Until the portal opens in another year, of course," she said. "Please don't make that happen,"

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