CH-16: Life After Chaos

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Almost one year later...

(3rd pony POV)


It was a beautiful Autumn morning in Ponyville. Celestia rose the sun as she always did, making the sky change from it's midnight blue to a light indigo. Already, a few ponies were bustling about the town, attempting to get a head start on their day. 

However, a certain mare slept in this morning. Her daily alarm clock went off at precisely 8:00 a.m, but she simply rolled over after slamming a lavendar-colored hoof on the 'snooze' button. The gentle snores soon echoed in the small room once more, indicating that she had fallen asleep again. 

Knock, Knock, Knock!

The slight disturbance caused the pony to twitch in irritation, but relaxed just as quickly. 

Knock, Knock, Knock! came the noise again. 

This time the adult mare was aroused from her peaceful sleep. She sat up, sleepy-eyed and dazed. The three note knock sounded once more, and she rolled from her bed. Her hoofs clacked against the wooden floor and she yawned, exiting her room, across the main room to the door. She yawned once more, feeling her jaw and ears pop. She gently swung open the door to reveal a fellow pony. Or rather, Alicorn Princess.

"Good morning, Starlight Treasure!" Princess Twilight said cheerily. "I have exciting news for you!" 

Starlight yawned and blinked at the darker purple pony. Twilight smiled, before fully taking in her appearance. Her light magneta mane was tangled and matted against the side of her head, her dark green eyes were half lidded and clouded with sleep, and some drool was steadily drying around her mouth. Starlight's attempts to focus were of no use, and she was slowly drifting off to sleep while standing at the door. 

Twilight sighed, using her magic to levitate a nearby pail of water, then dumping it on Starlight Treasure. She yelped as the frigid water soaked through her coat, chilling her and efficiently waking her up. 

Starlight shivered, her eyes wide with shock and alertness. "I'm awake! I'm awake!" she shouted. 

"Sorry, Star," the princess pony apologized. 

Starlight Treasure waved a soaking hoof to dismiss her apology. "No, I should thank you. I've been sleeping later than normal, so this is a...nice change," she said. 

Twilight then smiled. "Oh, okay then!" 

"Would you like to come in? I need to go dry myself  off as soon as possible before I catch a cold," Starlight said.

"Not right now," said Twilight. "I'm just here to let you know that Princess Celestia had invited all of us to the Grand Galloping Gala this year! It didn't go quite as we hoped last year, but it's still an honour for us ponies to attend. She sent us eight tickets!" She held up eight golden tickets, each having the Grand Galloping Gala written on them in fancy lettering. 

The second pony eyed the tickets with growing excitement. "You mean I'm invited as well?" she asked. 

"Of course! I had to remind Princess Celestia that you had recently moved here, but she's allowing you to go as well!'s your ticket!" One of the tickets were taken by a white orb of light, which levitated over to Starlight. 

"Well, thank you!" Starlight said. "I'm so excited to go!" 

Twilight nodded. "Oh, and before I forget, we're having a picnic later in the afternoon, so don't forget! Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got to go let the others know that we've been invited again!" she trotted off with a friendly wave goodbye. Starlight Treasure returned the gesture and truned, shutting the door. Still soaked to the bone, she padded back to her bedroom, eyes fixed on the ticket. 

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