CH-13: Discord Rules, Celestia Drools

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A/N: I tried to make this longer than the previous few chapters. I've been trying to focus on the budding romance of Maria and Discord, for that's the main reason you're here, right? Anyway, thanks to those who are loving the story! I can't ask for better readers! *w*

((Credit to DisneyFanatic2364 for inspiring me! You'll see why soon...))

Here we go!


Twilight and Spike looked through the many books that were found in her library. The outside world was, as you know, chaotic. All her friends were acting strangely, and it was Discord's fault. He had also forced one of her new friends into being his partner.

"Have you found anything, Spike?" she asked. Her violet eyes skimmed the library. Most of the books were pulled out and laid open on the floor. Her horn glowed as she levitated another book from the shelf and opened it.


She tossed the book into a pile and grabbed another one. Her dragon companion, Spike, reached for one on the highest shelf, his claw grasping a rather large book. "Nothing yet, Twilight," he grunted, bringing the book down to the ground. His foot slipped on an open book and he fell, the book landing on its spine, making it open.

Twilight groaned as she saw her assistant sprawled out on the ground. "Spike! This is no time to be taking a nap!" she said. "We have to find a spell that will help us find the Elements of Harmony!" She was about to step over the book to get to Spike when she noticed that the book had a secret compartment.

And the elements hidden inside.

"Spike, you-you found the elements!" she gasped in relief. Spike jumped to his feet.

"I did?" he looked at the book he dropped. "Oh yeah, I guess I did!"

"Now we can defeat Discord, turn everything back to normal, and save Maria," she cheered. She closed the open book, gathered the baby dragon on her back, and galloped out of the messy library to find her friends.




"I can't do this,"

"Sure you can. Just move your feet,"

"I'm not moving my feet. I'll fall."

"No you won't,"

"Yes I will,"

"Do you want some help?"


I stood still as I heard Discord glide across the frozen lake. My eyes stared at the ice skates that were tied to my feet. The main part of it was white, while the trimming and laces were a light shade of violet. My arms were outstretched slightly in order for me to keep my balance. The purple scarf around my neck billowed in the chilly breeze.

Yes, Discord was teaching me to ice skate. I refused to learn, but he was persistent, and I gave in. He took me to a lake located near the Everfree Forest and froze the area around it. It looked pretty odd, really. Having a frozen lake and a bit of snow while the surrounding area was humid and clear of moisture.

My eyes glanced upward as Discord skated in front of me, my body rigid as the ice we stood on. I dared not move as he circled around me. "What are you doing?" I asked, my eyes following him as best as I could.

"I should ask you the same thing," he mused. "Why are you like that?"

"Because I don't wanna fall," I growled. "Now are you gonna help me or not?"

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