CH-6: Off To Ponyville!!

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The next morning, I was up early. And I mean early.

Early enough to watch Celestia raise the sun. Yeah, that early.

Anyway, I was instructed by one of the royal guards to meet the princesses and Twilight at the main entrance of the castle. I knew I wouldn't be coming back to this room for a while, so I made sure that I didn't leave anything behind.

While living at the castle these past few months, I had recieved a few things from Princess Celestia. One of which was a hair pin. Made of pure crystal, it had a red rose-like gem encased into it. I had never worn it before, but since it felt like a special day, I decided it wouldn't hurt to wear it.

I approached the mirror with the pin in hand. My once green eyes were now a pale yellow with red pupils, messy redish-brown curls now unruly snowflake strands. I looked closer at my reflection. My pesky freckles were still present, but less noticeable. I frowned at this, as I always have. Even in this magical world, my peppered spots still haunt me. Rolling my eyes, I clipped the crystal in my hair. It might not be my usual tangled mane, but it was still beautiful. I mean, it could be worse, right?

Though, I don't know how.

Sighing, I turned to the rose i kept on the dresser. It sat quietly in a violet vase with water. Although Silver Knight told me that the flower could survive without water, I chose to leave it in water. What can I say? I'm a stubborn draconequus.

Carefully, I picked the rose, bringing it to my nose to smell it. It smelled like vanilla, cotton candy, and sugar. Three different smells, one flower. Amazing what you'll find here.

I set the flower back in it's vase, trying to decide what to do with it. I could leave it here, then poof it with me when I get to Ponyville.

Listen to me; talking so casually about poofing things out of thin air and meeting the Mane 6! Strange how real this all is. In the back of my mind, I still pass this off as some delusional dream.

Still, I'll take advantage of it in a heartbeat.

A sharp rap on the door shook my from my wandering thoughts. I left the vase with my rose and went to answer the door. Opening the door, a set of guards greeted me kindly.

"Maria Firestone, come with us. You're late," the left pony sneered.

"I'm coming, I'm coming! Don't tangle your precious mane, Valiant,"

Valiant Soldier snorted. He was one of the many guards who despised my very being. The other guard, Brave Heart, stayed silent. He was the unlucky pony who I had accidentally injured. He was pretty neutral before the incident, but now I believe I am the last person he'd want to have lunch with.

"Just get a move on," Valiant spat. "Princess Celestia is waiting,"

"Fine," I groaned. After glancing around my temporary room one last time, I brushed past the guards. I strolled through the hallways casually, eventually glancing behind me. The rude guardponies were following me closely. I stopped.

"Don't you have something to do?" I asked.

"Yes. We are escorting you to the main entrance," Valiant said, like it was supposed to be obvious.

"I do not need you to escort me. I know my way around the castle perfectly."

"Though that may be true, we will be following you to make sure you get there...safely," Valiant said. He ruffled his wings impatiently. "Let's go,"

"Are you still weary of me? After all the special times we had together? I'm offended. Besides, the Princesses trust me. I highly doubt Princess Celestia even sent you to retrieve me," I said, crossing my arms and turning my back to them.

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