CH-33: Feeling Not so Special

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Over the span of three months, total chaos had erupted--and not the kind Discord and Maria were used to.

Random and Chaos were polar opposites;  Random was usually calm and sweet, until you took her blankie away, that is, while Chaos, like his father, was nothing but trouble. The twins would get into little baby squabbles over a toy or something, and it would take both parents to calm each of them down.

Screwball began to feel left out. Discord no longer had any time to play with her, and Maria was always busy with her brother and sister whenever she wanted to be tucked in for bed.

It was one night, the third month after the twins came home, when Maria noticed that Screwy was a bit down. Her appetite was on the brink of extinction,  and it was beginning to worry her.

As Screwball excused herself from the table, Maria sent a worried glance to Discord, who was trying desperately to feed Chaos.

"C'mon Chaos, just a few more bites-no, stop spitting it out!" he sighed. Chaos giggled, chocolate milk and cotton candy mush dripping down his chin.

Maria helped Random to finish her food, then decided to help Discord. "Discord, I think something's wrong with Screwball," she said, speaking her worries aloud while trying to clean up Chaos with a damp towel.

"Whatever do you mean?" he asked.

"Well, she's seemed...sad lately,"

"Perhaps she's caught a cold?" he offered. She shook her head, poofing away the dirtied rag and attempting to coax Chaos into finishing his food. When he continued to let the contents fall from his mouth, she cleaned him up again, fixing some apple sauce. Strangely enough, the baby draconequus loved anything that had to do with apples, apple sauce being his favorite. Go figure. 

"She's not sick. I think..." she trailed off.


"I think Screwy feels like we've forgotten about her," Maria finished. She fed the spoonful of apple sauce to Chaos, who lapped at the spoon greedily, grunting in baby talk for more.

"What? Forgotten about her? Pshht, nah!" Discord said.

Maria rolled her eyes. "When was the last time you played ball with her?"

Discord thought for a moment, frowning. "Oh dear...I'm afraid you're right. What are we going to do?"

Maria shrugged, shakimg her head slightly and feeding the last spoonful to Chaos. "I don't know. Should we say something? Let her know she still matters?"

Discord nodded. "That might be a good idea. Shall we put the twins to bed first?"

Maria nodded. Random babbled some unknown words, reaching out for her parents. Maria turned, picking up her daughter and standing from her seat. Discord did the same with Chaos. They went upstairs, doing their usual nightly schedule; changing diapers, singing a short lullibye, then tucking them into bed.

Unknown to them, Screwball watched from the shadows, tears filing her eyes as she listened to the song her mother sang.

Hush now, Quiet now

It's time to lay your sleepy heads,

Hush now quiet now, it's time to go to bed...

Screwball sulked back into her room, pulling her pillow up to her chest and sobbing. Never had she felt so alone.

The door to her room opened, and Screwball was surprised to see her parents standing in the door way. Had they heard her crying?

"Screwy, honey, are you alright?" Maria asked. Screwball thought to lie, but instead found her shaking her head. A fat tear slipped from her eye. Maria was holding her daughter close in an instant, and she resumed her crying into her mother's shoulder.

"It's not fair!" she said between sobs. "They get all the attention, and I can't even play with you! I don't want a brother and sister anymore!"

"Shh, it's alright," Maria cooed, stroking her mane. When Screwball's sobs were replaced by sniffles, Maria pulled away, forcing Screwball to look up at her.

"I know it's hard having siblings," she said. "but look at the bright side, you're an older sister,"

"And you know what that means, right?" Discord cut in.

"I get to rule over them like you ruled over Equestria?" Screwball answered.

"So you have been listening to me! That's my little tyrant!" Discord said gleefully, making a crown appear on her heaf. He then saw that Maria had shot him a disapproving glare and he coughed nervously. "I mean-no, it means that you have the responsibility to watch over them and protect them from any pony who wants to hurt them," he said. Maria rolled her eyes again.

"In a way, he's right. You have an important job now. And if you ever feel like you're left out, just remember; you are special, Screwy. Don't ever forget that," Maria wiped away the excess tears from Screwball's cheeks and planted a kiss on her forehead. "And to make sure you never forget..."

Maria made a little propeller hat appear. Screwball gasped and smiled as it was placed on her head. "You are my Screwball, and I promise that you will never, ever be forgotten."


This was more of a filler chapter. With school and home, I almost never have time to relax. I'd like to apologize to @RandomVonDiscord, thought--I'm not avoiding your texts, I swear! I'm just swept up in this whirlwind called life that rping is a bit difficult for me now, seeing as I get less and less free time. So sorry!!

In other news, 6k views?! I'm so happy right now!! Thank you all for just being so great!

So, Imma go get to bed now before I get in trouble for having my phone on when I'm supposed to be asleep...

I'll be back soon with another chapter! 


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