CH-12: The Reason Why

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Discord and I talked the rest of the night away. Surprisingly, it stayed night for a good hour and a half. He assured me that he hadn't made the days go wanky yet, just to let us get a proper rest.

The talk itself was mostly focused on me and my past life. I told him about my parents, and the close relationship I shared with my dad. He listened intently as I shared with him my daily life, school, and how I loved to write. We laughed as I remembered every embarassing thing I've ever done. I honestly had no clue why I told him all just felt right, like catching up with my best friend after not seeing her for a few months.

He was especially interested when I began to talk about my fanfics that I used to write. I tried not to reveal too much about the plot of the tv series when i started talking about it. I might've scared him when I told him how popular he was with fangirls, and how they'd react if they were in my position.

I also gave him a detailed story of my childhood. How everything went as scheduled and most things were normal. My mom would leave for work, leaving my dad and I together, abd we'd watch TV and listen to older generation songs. Then, at six o'clock, she'd come home and my dad would leave for work and come home at about eleven o'clock. I'd still be up and annoying my mom, and my dad and I would sit together at night and watch schoolhouse rock till almost two in the morning. That schedule would repeat about everyday until I started school. Thus, how I became so close to Dad.

When i had basically spilled most of my life to him, I was exhausted from talking. I rested my head on my arms, which were crossed on the cloud. I still laid face-down, curled up in the curve of Discord's body, and I couldn't have been happier.

"It's a wonder you managed to survive in your world," he mused. "Everything seems to make sense there,"

"I know, right? I don't remember being this happy before," I yawned. The pause in my sentence made me remember a question that had plagued my mind since I had arrived here. "Discord, how'd you bring me here?"

He froze for a moment, then cleared his throat. "Well, it's complicated, really,"

My curiousity peaked. "I'm listening,"

"Well..." he seemed to not know how to explain. I waited patiently, my mind wandering to the many possibilities. As much as it embarrasses me to admit, my fangirlish mind immediately assumed the most illogical possibilities. (A/N: if you dont know, I'm referring to a typical "mate to-be" story plot. She's not meant to be there in the first place people!!! But i never said it couldn't happen...)

"I used my magic to find someone who knew of what was to happen in the future, but would also assist me in my escape. That being said, the person I brought here would have to be," he cleared his throat again, and he looked away. "infatuated with me..."

My cheeks heat up immediately. So he DID know I had a crush on him.

"Despite the fact that I knew how the spell worked," he continued, "You still caught me by surprise when you asked to assist me in my plan,"

I grinned the tiniest bit. "So you knew all aling that I..." I trailed off, not able to say it aloud.

"In a way, yes..." he said. "However, I didn't plan on several things happening,"

"And those were?" I asked.

"One, you becoming a draconequus. Two, you actually helping me, and three," he paused, making me even more curious. He looked at me, and I detected a faded pink on his cheeks. "I never thought I'd be one to fall for someone,"

I stared at him. Did he way! I glanced over his face. He looked like a schoolboy admitting his love for his crush. I felt my face heat up as he looked away in nervousness.

We stayed silent for a while. I thought long and hard about my next words. Honestly, I had never been in a situation as such.

Who am i kidding? I never been in any kind if romantic situation at all!!

My thoughts swam with both emotion and thoughts. I didn't have to worry about him rejecting me anymore. No, it was more of a "what now?" situation.

"I...I didn't think you would either," I managed to stutter. I used my hand to gently force him to look at me. I smiled at him. "But I'm really glad you did,"

What happened next was something I never though would ever happen. Well, out of my dreams at least.

Here's what happened.

I leaned in.

He leaned in.

And we kissed.

And it wasn't a forehead kiss.

Or a peck on the cheek.

No-this was a full-on make out session.

On. The. Lips.


Super short, I know PLEASE DON'T HURT ME!! It was supposed to be a filler if some sorts. By the way, most everything was true about Maria's childhood. I made her so much like me, it's scary. The only difference between me and her is the presence of four younger siblings. Other than that, it's basically the same.

That scene was so cheesy though, I need a cracker. And I'm crying its so cheesy. I love kiss scenes, but i can hardly write them without fangirling and messing things up. Perhaps I overdid things at the end? What say you?

Comment. Vote. And more cheesy lovey dovey stuff will appear soon!

-Jasmine, AKA the cheesy romantic writer

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