CH-21: Resistance is Futile-Or is it?

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I'm gonna keep it in 3rd Pony POV, just cause it's easier. I might switch back to Maria's POV, or as a change, Discord's POV. But I'll leave that up to you. If I get seven comments demanding Discord's POV, I will have his POV for the next chapter, all right? 

Before we go to the story, I recommend you all to read one one of my fan's books, Discorded by Emma_Fejervary! And Random's Real Backstory by RandomVonDiscord! I promised Emma a shout out, and decided to give Random one as well.  Please read these awesome stories and help them grow!

Now...on with the story!


It was a beautiful day in Equestria. The birds were singing, the pegasus chased the clouds away to avoid unwanted cloudy weather, and there was an overall quietness and peacefulness over the land. 

Unless you lived in the dark castle in the middle of the Everfree forest. In that case, there were pink clouds raining chocolate milk most everywhere, and frightening creatures of every variety lurked within the dark atmosphere. 

Inside the castle, however, a female draconnequus slept fitfully, her worst fears playing in her mind. 

Maria had collapsed onto the solid concrete floor. Her legs were like jelly, and her head throbbed from hitting the ground so forcefully. She barely had the strength to fill her lungs with air. 

Above her, a familiar cackle echoed. "There we go! Now I won't have any trouble watching over you!" 

"W-why?" she mumbled weakly, tears pricking at her eyes. 

"Why?" he repeated incredulously. "Because you had trouble being faithful to me," 

"I didn't do anything!" she spat, a fire growing in her belly. "If you saw what you did, then you would have seen him force that kiss on me," 

He stopped, staring at her. Suddenly, a grin broke out on his face. "I knew you wouldn't cheat on me!" he said gleefully. "This makes this next part all the easier," 

"What part?" she asked, her voice dropping a few tones. She was able to lift her head just in time to see Discord holding Silver Knight by some rope. He had a cloth over his muzzle, but it didn't stop him from screaming through the gag. Her heart fell. In her gut, she knew Discord was going to hurt him for forcing a kiss on her. 

But how was beyond her. 

"I'm really happy to hear that you had no part in that act," he sighed. "Honestly, I never liked him in the first place. But don't worry, m'dear, we'll be rid of him in no time," He began to approach the edge of the balcony they were standing on. She let out a shriek as she realized what his devious plan was. 

He was going to throw her best friend off the side of their castle. Placing the crying knight pony on the edge, he chuckled darkly. "What to do, what to do?" he sang. Discord turned, thinking to himself. His tail followed, knocking the pony off the side. "Whoopsie!" 

Maria screamed. "NO!" 

"NO!" she shrieked, sitting up suddenly and waking from her sleep. A squeak of surprise caused her to yelp again, looking over to see that Discord was standing over her form. "Discord! What are you doing in my room?" 

"I-I.." he stuttered. "I wasn't watching you sleep if that's what you think! I, um, heard you having a nightmare, so I came to check on you," 

Maria sighed, "Thanks, but I'm okay now," 

"Are you sure?" he asked with genuine worry. For a second, it caught her off guard. She mentally dismissed it though. 

"I'm fine," she insisted. She stretched, getting up from her bed. Suddenly, Discord began to snicker. She glared irritably at him. "What?" 

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