CH-17: The Gala

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A/N: You guys are so awesome...735 views?! The last time I checked, it was 600-something-or-other. I simply can't believe the growing popularity of this story. 

Had to get that outta the way. 

Anyway, I'll be returning back to school in about a week, and it'll be my freshman year of high school. This could mean that I won't have all the time in the world to update as frequently as I do now. (Actually, the amount of time I spent on this story is WAY more than what i've spent on any of my other stories,) 

So if the updates start coming short, it's cause I'm crazy busy. But don't worry-I will not cease the story. I aim to finish this (hopefully) by the end of the year....but things happen sometimes, so please be patient with this author. 

Also, I'd like to thank those of you who shared the story with a friend, (you know who you are). Thanks to you all, my story's popularity is sky-high! I'd encourage you all to share my story(ies) with your friends and family-I'd be very grateful. 

And one more note: I didn't come up with Maria's pony name by myself. I found a pony name generator that gave me her name. Surprisingly, the pony fits Star's qualities quite well, though it's mostly because of the color. (I planned to have her purple for a very certain reason that you'll find out later in the story. I say anything more and you will figure out my plan! I can't have that happen, now can I~? 

Here's the link if any of you guys want a pony name (By the way, my pony name is Diamond Sparkle-moody, sarcastic unicorn pony, who's a popular magician):

(Comment your pony name!!)

Now that that's done, let's continue with the story, shall we? 


3rd Pony POV

A few days later, the morning before the Grand Galloping Gala, the gang of ponies were summoned to Canterlot to speak with Princess Celestia. The letter addressed to the group lacked enough detail to tell them the purpose for their journey. Nonetheless, the seven ponies and baby dragon hopped on the train headed for Princess Celestia's castle. 

While other ponies around them chatted among themselves, the Mane Six, female draconequus in disguise, and Spike sat quietly, trying to figure out the reason the princess had called them so soon. Twilight stared at her hoofs, her face scrunched up slightly in concentration. 

'Why would Princess Celestia summon us before the Gala? Did something go wrong with the decorations? Or perhaps the Gala would be canceled due to an issue in another place? What if she found Discord and Maria?' Her heart thumped loudly in her chest and she swallowed dryly. Considering the many possibilities, the purple princess pony decided it was best to calm herself. She was a princess now, and she had to keep a cool head in times of crisis. 

Still, her mind wandered back to the possibility that she had discovered the draconequuses. She missed Maria terribly, though she gained comfort in the fact that although they lost Maria, they were able to make friends with the new unicorn. Oddly enough, Starlight shared similar qualities with Maria. But it was an easy thing to brush off, because she wouldv'e sensed her draconequus magic right off the back, and Celestia could've already found her by then. 

Enveloped deep into her thoughts, Twilight began to nod off, unaware that they would be arriving at the Canterlot train station very soon. 

"Twilight, we're here," Fluttershy said softly, nudging the purple pony with her cream-colored hoof. 

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