CH-18: The Stranger

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Starlight Treasure stood alongside Twilight, talking with the princess as she greeted the first half of the guests. Some of the colts asked her to dance, but each time, she refused. Twilight soon grew curious as to why her friend was turning every pony down. 

"Star, why do you turn all the colt down?" she asked. 

Starlight shrugged, shaking the hoof of a fancy couple. "I just...don't want to dance with any pony," she said. 

"I think you should go dance with some pony," Twilight suggested, greeting a group of ponies. Every pony was dressed in a formal attire, some simplier than others. 

"Oh, I don't dance," she said. 'At least, I've never danced with anyone other than Discord' her thoughts finished. 

"I know why you don't wanna dance," Twilight said slowly. "You're waiting for somepony special, aren't you?" 

A blush crept up on Star's face. "N-no," she stuttered. "I don't have somepony special. Even if I did have a crush on somepony, he wouldn't be here," 

"Why not?" Twilight asked. 

"Well, let's just say our last meeting didn't end so well," she explained. "He was a little bit...possessive of me, and I didn't like it. I want to hate him, but for some reason, I keep wanting to see him again," 

"Well, why don't you?" 

"Because I don't know where he is," Star said quietly, running her front hoof against the rug of the staircase. "Even if I did, I can't see him again," 

"Why?" Twilight asked softly. 

Tears pricked at her eyes. "Because I might be tempted to stay with him," she whispered. 

"Does he make you happy?" 


"Do you love him?" 


"And does he love you?" 


"Then you should stay with him," Twilight finished. 

"But you don't understand, Twilight," Star burst. Her emotions were getting the best of her, and she needed to calm down before they caused her diguise to go awry. "I...I don't belong here," 

"Sure you do-" 

"No. I don't belong here," she repeated stifly, her green eyes clouded with her emotions. 

Before Twilight could reply, some pony cleared his throat. The princess glanced at the colt, who had disrupted their conversation. "Excuse me, Princess Twilight," he said, his voice low and smooth. "Is your friend okay?" 

"No, I'm not!" she shouted at the colt, who didn't even jump at her outburst. Tears stung at the pony's eyes, and she fled the scene, pushing against crowds of ponies. Her attempts to hold back her tears were fruitless, and soon, tears streamed down her face. She found herself in an empty hallway, wiith exception to a few guards. They paid her no mind as she trotted past, eventually coming to a large door. She shoved it open, revealing a large balcony. Her tears came silently as she walked  across the floor out into the night air. The sky was clear, the stars twinkling against the dark blue sky. 

She sat on her flank as she stared up at the full moon. Why did she have to come here? She was perfectly happy in her own little world! But now...she was miserable. Stuck in her favorite cartoon, her life was nothing like she had imagined. It was like her happiness was being shredded. 

Why did DIscord have to bring her here? 

Why her

She leaned her forehooves against the cool marble of the side of the balcony, buried her head into them, and began to sob quietly. For a while, there was no sound, with exception to her depressing state. In her mind, she wanted to go home and be with her dad again, but in her heart she wanted to stay here and be with Discord. Her thought were so conflicting, it made her want to tear her mane out in frustration. But she kept crying. 

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