CH-3: A Female Draconequus

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"So what do you think she's here for?"

"I don't know. She did frighten me, though. I thought he had escaped from the stone. Perhaps she is related to him?"

"I doubt it. There has never been a female of his kind. She can't be from around here."

"Still, she was in the basement near the portal. She's very suspicious. When she wakes, we'll bring her to my sister for questioning."

I groaned, stirring from my sleep. I must've been unconscious after I hit my head on the statue. My body ached considerably and my head hurt. I opened my eyes to be confronted by the harsh morning light. I hissed, startling the people who were watching me.

"She's awake, Luna!" a voice said.

"Keep calm, Twilight." the second said. "If she poses a threat, I can subdue her for a short period of time."

I blinked at the oddly familiar voices. It couldn't be...right? Perhaps I got a concussion and I'm imagining that I'm in the world of My Little Pony.


My eyes glance around the elegant room. It was huge, with violet tapestries, light blue curtains, and a large window with a beautiful scenery.

A scenery that in no way resembled my home.

I was instantly alert, my eyes focusing on everything at once. A stern clearing of someone's throat reminded me that I wasn't alone. I turned my head to see the two people who were speaking about me.

Or should I say....ponies?

I squealed, backing up on the bed. My eyes met the serious, blue orbs of Princess Luna and the nervous violet eyes of Twilight Sparkle.

"What?! You...huh?!" I stuttered. I continued to back up, until I fell off the opposite side of the bed. I squealed in surprise, bringing half the bed sheets down with me.

I panicked. Where was I? Well, obviously I knew where I was...but HOW?!

"Oh my stars!" Luna exclaimed. "Are you alright?"

I peaked over the side of the bed. "Luna? Twilight?  What is going on?! Why am I here?!" I asked, panicking.

"Calm is your name?" Twilight asked. She stared at me curiously. 


"Maria - you need to calm down. You don't have to be afraid," she said with a kind smile.

"However, we need answers as well." Luna said. " How do you know who we are? Surely we have never seen you before? Are you related to Discord?"

I shook my head. "Of course I'm not! What would make you ask that question?"

Twilight looked at me oddly. "Are you sure? Cause you resemble him very closely..."

I laughed. "Okay, am I in some virtual reality? There's no way this can be real..."

Twilight used her magic to bring me a mirror. Unsure, I took it, keeping my weary eyes on the two ponies. Hesitantly, I looked away for a brief second at the mirror.

I almost dropped it in shock.

Staring back at me was a female draconequus. My auburn curls were now snow white and cut into a bob, with bangs covering most of my forehead. My eyes were like Discord's, and my face shape was pony-like, with a Discord-like tooth sticking out. I panicked once more, glancing down at the rest of me. A long, slender body and lean tail completed me. I truly was identical to Discord, with exception to my feminine complexion.

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