CH-10: Lesson Number One...Billion

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A/N: I really have no idea of what I wanted to happen in this chapter, though one reader predicted a romance scene...So I've been debating about this, listened to Bride of Discord (the original one by DisneyFanatic2364-one of my inspirations, by the way...), and ran several scenes for this though my head about a million gazillion times.

What I'm trying to say-if this chapter is totally not what you expected, I'm SO sorry. (not really, because it's my story! XP)There might be romance, there might not, just be prepared for anything. we go...

"And that's the reason nothing rhymes with the word orange...are you even listening?!"

I woke with a jerk, not realizing I had dozed off while Discord had told me the entire history of chaos and draconequuses-draconequui? Forget it, you know what I mean! "Sorry, Discord," I stretched, trying to maneuver around in the desk I was forced to sit at. "but was it really necessary to tell me all of the history? I'm pretty sure a few tips on how to do things would've worked,"

Discord huffed, changing out of the teacher outfit and making the ruler and chalkboard disappear. The desk I was sitting at vanished as well, making me fall to the ground. "Ow! What the hay was that for?" I growled.

His mouth curled into a wicked smile. "That was for not listening to me," he said. "Now, since you didn't bother to listen to my lesson, would you mind enlightening me on what you want to learn?"

"Wouldn't that have been simpler to have just asked me that at the beginning?" I asked, standing to my feet.

He placed a claw on his chin, eyes glancing towards the sky in a thinking position. "Perhaps, but the thought never occurred to me," his tone reassured me that he did think about it, but his lack of making sense made him do things differently. He stared at me again. "What do you want to learn?" he asked again, appearing beside me in a flash.

"Well, that for instance," I said.

"What, teleporting?" he scoffed. "Easy, just picture the area you want to go to, and poof! you're there,"

"Well, if it was that easy..." I grumbled.

"Isn't that what I just said?" he asked."How about you try it out?"

"Where should I go?" I asked. He disappeared and reappeared on top of the hedge, sitting casually with a pink teacup, top hat, and monocle.

"Try up here for starters, m'dear," he said with a fake British accent, taking a sip from the cup. I nodded, closing my eyes and imagining myself sitting next to him. My skin began to heat up, then cooled within a few seconds. I opened my eyes to see Discord staring at me curiously.

"What?" I asked, crossing my arms. "I did it, didn't I?"

"Yes, you did it," he mused. "However, you don't appear to have done it right,"

"What do you mean?" I asked. His eyes lowered, andI followed their gaze.

I was sitting in mid air.

"Oh, horse apples," I cursed, my gravity-defying stunt faltering for a bit. I landed on the dirt with a grunt. I heard Discord busting a gut overhead. He appeared above me, helping me to my feet. While I held my head, he summoned a dust brush and dusted me off a bit.

"Well, at least you tried," he said cheerfully. "You know what they say, if a draconequus falls out of the sky, a black cat will rule the world,"

"A black cat-what?!" I asked. "Who in the world has ever said that?"

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