CH-29: Expecting the Unexpected

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A/N: This part is partially inspired by Bride of Discord, and partially inspired by The Frog Princess by E.D Baker (My favorite book series by far!) 


Maria and Discord's jaws dropped. Their child was a filly? 

"Do you mean filly as in girl, or pony?" Maria asked carefully. 

"Both," Doc answered. 

"How?!" Discord asked. He looked at Maria. "Have you been cheating on me?!" 

"No!" she snapped. "You know I would never do such a thing!" 

"Then how do you explain this?" 

"First off, you need to calm down," Maria instructed. "Second, it might be because I spent a year as a pony myself. Ever think of that, Discord?" 

He stopped, thinking about it. "I guess that would make sense," he kissed Maria on the forhead, and she relaxed. "I'm sorry for accusing you of such things," 

"It's alright, just don't assume things so quickly," she sighed. 

Doc cleared  his throat. "Maria, you said you were a pony for a year?" 

She nodded. "I used a transformation spell that allowed me to change my appearance, and I stayed as a pony for about a year," 

"Then it would make sense that the transformation effected the child. There's no doubt that if you decide to have more offspring, they'll all be ponies. As for this one, it's a bit early to tell if it's a unicorn or pegasus, so for now we'll assume that she's an earth pony," 

Discord and Maria nodded. Doc filled them in on all the details of pregnancy, including the morning sickness and odd cravings. 

As they were checking out, Doc insisted that they returned in a few weeks or so to check on the unborn filly's progress. 

After they had returned, Discord disappeared into his old room, leaving Maria alone with her thoughts. She decided to go visit her friends in Ponyville. 


"Pregnant?" Twilight repeated. 

"You're what?!" Rarity shrieked.

"Congratulations!" Fluttershy said.

"Say what now?" Rainbow Dash gasped.

"Congrats, sugar cube!" Apple Jack said. 

"Can I plan the baby shower?!" Pinkie Pie asked. 

"The ponies and female draconequus had gathered for a picnic in the meadow. After Maria had told her friends of her pregnancy, they all reacted at the same time. 

"Yes, I'm pregnant. I went to the hospital earlier and they confirmed it," Maria explained. "Though it seems that the transformation spell I used while living here had affected the child," 

"What do you mean?" Twilight asked. 

"I'm having a filly," 

Every pony went quiet. 

"Yeah, that's what our reactions were. That and Discord thought I had cheated on him," she continued. 

"Is it a pegasus?" Rainbow Dash asked. 

"Or a unicorn?" Rarity added. 

"Or an earth pony?" Apple Jack asked. 

"We don't know, but Dr. Doctor said she could possibly be an earth pony. It's too early to tell, though," 

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