CH-15: Promises, Promises...

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My head sunk low as I sat perched on top of the throne Discord had made for me. My breathing grew ragged pretty quick, and the overwhelming feeling of weakness controlled me. I barely had the strength to move my eyes. 

"Isn't this so much fun, my queen~!" Discord asked giddily. I didn't answer, but not just because I couldn't.  If I could, there might've been some not-so-family-friendly words. But i couldn't do anything about it. His mind was clouded with possession and chaos, and I was on the short end of the stick. 

My eyelids drooped with weariness, but I was jolted awake. "Don't go to sleep, my dear! You'll miss all the chaos!" he said happily, not noticing my discomfort. Around us, ponies fled for their life. The cotton candy clouds's downpour created floods, and the animals devoured everything in sight. On the TV show, I wouldv'e laughed at the way nothing made sense, but this was real. 

Discord had gone off the deep end. 

Chuckling maniacly to himself, Discord summoned a mini cotton candy cloud and filled a tall drinking glass with it. "Chaos is a wonderful, wonderful thing! Wouldn't you agree, Maria?" 

I let out a  tiny hiss, though it might not have been audible to the likes of him. In case you haven't noticed, I was beyond mad. I was furious! He had lied to me, took away my powers, and all because he was afraid I would betray him. 

Discord was about to  drink from the glass when a voice interrupted him. 

"Not as wonderful as friendship!" Discord looked up at the small group of ponies who had dared to stand against him. Twilight and her friends stood proudly, Elements of Harmony around their necks. I cracked a small smile. 'Bout time they got here,' I thought.

Discord groaned. "This again?" he paused to drink the glass from which the chocolate milk sat in. Literally-the glass disappeared, leaving glass shaped chocolate milk in its place. He discarded it, tossing behind his throne, which ended in an explosion. 

"That's right!" Apple Jack shouted. "You couldn't break apart our friendship for long!"

Rolling his eyes, Discord held up a claw. "Oh, Applejack, don't lie to me," he levitated the Elements in front of him, bringing their owners with them. "I'm the one who made you a lier. Will you ever learn?"

Twilight, the only pony not to be levitated, teleported to the area her friends were in, activating a spell-blocker bubble to float them away. (Oh wow, that sounded strange even to me...)

"I'll tell you what we've learned, Discord," Twilight spat. "It's true that friendship isn't easy, but there's no doubt its worth fighting for!"

"Egh, gag!" he cringed. "Whatever, use your elements.  Friend me-Just make it quick! My Queen and I have some more chaos to cause!"

Twilight and her friends looked me over in my state of helplessness. I mouthed the words 'Help me,' but I bet all they saw was a faint twitch of my lips.

"What have you done to her?!" Rainbow Dash demanded. 

"Oh this?" Discord spoke casually, gesturing towards my powerless state. "I simply removed her powers to make sure she wouldn't betray me. She is my Queen of Chaos, after all. Can't have her turning against me!" he chuckled, appearing behind my thone and placing his hands on my slumped shoulders.

"Have you ever seen a couple so happy together?" he asked, nuzzling my cheek. I wasn't able to do anything but let my body go limp.

They all gasped. "You and Maria are...together?!" Apple Jack cringed. 

"Aww! That's so cute!" Pinkie gushed. "Discord's got a marefriend!"

"I think I'm gonna barf!" Rainbow gagged.

"Say what you will, but she's mine!" he said, his grip tightening. "She just needs to understand that, and then we can be happy!"

"Maria won't be happy with you!" Twilight said. "Just look at her! Can't you see what you're doing to her?"

"I see nothing wrong," he said,  snapping and making my mouth curl up in a smile. I weakly shook my head, trying to show my displeasure. "See? Look how happy she is!"

"You monster!" Fluttershy said, her soft voice louder and more harsher than normal. "You can't make anypony fall in love with you! How dare you treat your own kind that way?"

Fluttershy's words must've shone some light on his madness, but he shook his head. "No, she does love me! I don't have to force her to," he said, but for a moment, he sounded unsure. "She-she does...right?"

"No matter, Discord," Twilight said. "We're gonna turn you back to stone and rid Equestria of the chaos you've caused!"

Discord ignored her statement for a moment, staring at me. I could tell there were gears turning in his head.

"D...Don't me?" he asked in a hushed voice, tilting my head gently to face him. Using some of the strength i had gained, I turned my head away, giving him his answer.

He gulped and turned away. "I see..." he said.

At this time, the Mane 6 were warming up their elements. Discord took one longing look at me, his eyes full of guilt and heartbrokenness. "I'm sorry," he said. "For every thing,"

The large rainbow and dramatic music came, the multicolored light approaching the male draconequus. There was a terrible blinding light, then everything went a bit dark for me.

When next I opened my eyes, I heard the cheering of the Mane 6. I clenched my eyes shut, trying to drown out their happiness. I had broken my promise to Discord, as he had done me. I didn't feel weak anymore, strangely. Taking a moment to sit up, I rubbed my throbbing head. So the Elements gave me back my magic, huh?

I found myself opening my eyes to look around me. The pair of thrones were gone, leaving me sitting in the middle of a grassy field.

"We did it girls! Discord is finally defeated!" Twilight cheered. "And Maria's back to normal!"

The group of ponies quickly surrounded me to give me a hug. I went stiff for a moment, before letting them embrace me.

"Wait a minute-" I said. My eyes glanced towards the open field. "Where's his statue?"

Every pony froze.

"It's right there, of course!" Pinkie Pie giggled, pointing her hoof to the spot where Discord's statue would be.

"It's gone!" Rarity shrieked.

"Maybe the Elements didn't turn him to stone this time?" Rainbow Dash suggested. 

"Youre right! What if-they turned him into grass?!' Pinkie bellowed. Every pony began to freak out. I froze, my heart pounding nervously. 

"No...Discord has escaped,"

I know it's a bit shorter than normal, but i feel that it was a perfect cliff hanger to make y'all come back! So...what'd you think? COMMENT, REVIEW, AND ILL BE BACK SOON!!


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