CH-25: A Chaotic Birthday Party

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Hey-o! I'm here with another chapter of 'A Discorded Love'!

I have an announcement first! Thurs-Friday, I shall be off with my school on an overnight stay at Frontier Ranch, meaning that those days, I probably won't be able to update. I'll try to get a few drafts done ahead of time to post while I'm there, but I can't guarantee anything.

That's about it!

Here's the next chapter!


Maria stood, blindfolded in front of a poster of a tailless pony. Pinkie spun her around excitedly, almost throwing her off balance. She wobbled in the direction of the photo, arms out to keep her balance. Twilight and the others cheered her on while she felt along the wall. In her mind, she pictured the pony's flank, which was almost in the center of the picture.

After a moment of mental calculations, she pinned the tail into the picture. Whipping the cloth off her eyes, she looked to see what she had done. The pin was stuck in it's accurate place.

"That's the tenth time in a row!" Rainbow Dash cheered.

"Sorry Pinkie Pie, but she beat your record," Twilight said. Pinkie Pie sighed in defeat.

"I guess I just wasn't meant to keep the record," she said. In an effort to cheer her up, Maria summoned Pinkie her own personal cotton candy cloud. The pink pony gasped and started slurping up the chocolate rain noisily.

"Since I've broken her record, can we stop playing?" Maria asked, holding her head. "I'm getting dizzy,"

"No worries, sugar cube," Apple Jack said. "You can stop now,"

Maria sighed in relief, summoning a simple chair and sitting down in it.

"So," Twilight said casually, "What's it like here?"

Maria thought for a moment. "It's incredible," she admitted, glad that Discord had gone back to his room. "It's not as bad as I thought. Discord's been so kind,"

"Discord? Being kind?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy scolded her quietly, "That wasn't very nice,"

"It's a bit tough ta believe," Apple Jack admitted. "I mean, he did try to take over Equestria,"

"And he threatened the Princesses," Rarity added.

"i know he did all of this, but believe me when I tell you, Discord's not a bad guy. He brought you here, didn't he?" Maria said. She added quietly, "He's really trying.."

"Trying to what?" Twilight asked.

Maria stuttered, "Trying to, um, make me feel at home!"

"Oh. Well, it seems like he's doing a good job," Twilight said with a smile.

"Yeah," she muttered.

An awkward silence fell over them, until Pinkie brought out a super giant cake seemingly out of nowhere. Maria gawked at the humongous baked good.

"I helped Discord make this huge birthday cake with sprinkles and whipped cream and there's even ice cream in the middle!" she squealed with delight.

"This is by far the biggest cake I've ever seen!" Maria gasped. She turned to her friends. "Did Discord plan all this?"

"Yes. Yes I did," Maria turned to see Discord on the cotton candy cloud she had summoned for Pinkie. "Do you like it?"

"It has ice cream in the middle, of course I love it!" she said with a broad smile.

With a small smile of his own, Discord snapped, making nineteen candles appear. (A/N: She was in Equestria for a little over two years, so she would be 19. Just to clear things up if you guys are confused.) Maria's smile widened as they started singing 'Happy Birthday' to her. When they finished, Discord placed his hands on her shoulders.

"Well, my dear, make a wish," he whispered in her ear.

She thought for a moment. What would she wish for? Home? No, she'd be going home the day after tomorrow. After a few seconds of thinking, she blew out all the candles, and everyone cheered.

"What did you wish for?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Silly filly!" Pinkie giggled. "If she told us, it wouldn't come true!"

Maria felt Discord's hands tighten.

"H-how could you?" he said quietly, trying to hide the sadness and disappointment in his tone. She turned, seeing that he was glaring at her, eyebrows furrowed. Maria froze, forgetting that Discord was able to read her mind. His hands left her shoulders, clenching at his sides. "How could you just leave?!"

"Leave?" Twilight perked. The ponies looked towards the two draconneqi in confusion. "What do you mean?"

Discord ignored her question. "Well?" he asked. Maria's mouth flapped like a loose tarp in the wind, but no sound came out. She struggled to apologize, to explain-to say something. But she couldn't. He continued. "I...I did everything for you! You know how hard I've been trying-I'm practically throwing myself at your feet in an attempt to get you to love me. I read that letter, Maria. The one you didn't send to your pony friends. You were just going to lie, just so that you could go back home!"

Tears pricked at her eyes as he spoke, but he didn't pay any attention to them. "How could you?" he repeated, backing her against the table that held her cake. "Why would you do this to me?"

"I'm sorry," she muttered, the realization hitting her of how she had hurt Discord.

"I don't want a 'sorry'!" he shouted.

"Then what do you expect me to do?!" she shot back, her confidence boosting suddenly. "I was never supposed to be in this dimension in the first place! My family is back in my world, wondering where the heck I am! How could I stay here, knowing that the people who raised me are worried sick about me, wondering if I'm dead in a ditch, or taken by some sick psycho? I know you love me, and I know you want me to stay, but I can't! You think I'm not hurting because of it?"

Discord was taken back by her outburst. Her eyes and cheeks glistened with angry tears, and her voice cracked multiple times. He knew she was right. He had taken her from her own world in a plot to escape, then intended to keep her here for his own selfish purposes. Turning away from her, he held in his own emotions.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. "I didn't realize how selfish I was being. I'm breaking our deal."

The words rang out in the silent room. Maria stared at his back in shock. "You're...breaking the deal?"

"Yes. You can go home when the portal opens,"

"B-but what about-"

"Just go," he said, his tone firm.


"I SAID GO!" he shouted suddenly, making her cower. She stared at him, her eyes watering again. Without another word, she teleported away, finding herself in a clearing in the Everfree forest, with Ponyville just on the other side.

Twilight and the others stared at the scene. Discord snapped at them. "What are you looking at? Leave my property now!"

Their ears flattened against their heads as they left, but not before they heard Discord beginning to sob quietly to himself.


Oh my Celestia, what did I just do?! Why did it have to be this way?!

*sniffs* Anyways, please Comment, Vote, and Share! And as always, I will be back soon with a new chapter! ^w^


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