CH-19: The Deal

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If you guys haven't noticed, this is following closely to Bride of Discord by DisneyFanatic2364. It will, however, lead off in it's own direction very soon. I'm hoping that you're all enjoying the story! We're kinda closing in on the middle of the story, as much as I hate to admit. But for those wondering, there will definitely be a sequel.

Anyway, please comment at the end! Or, rather highlight your favorite event and comment your thoughts on it! I really love comments, cause it makes me feel connected to my readers. At this point, I have a few select people who always comment on my story-but I'd like to hear from the rest of you all, okay?

Any who, let's continue, shall we?


Maria stood frozen in her true form. The Mane Six were silent, jaws agape. The force field was lifted, but they stood there.

" lied to us?" Twilight asked.

"Twilight I-" she stuttered, then she looked down, ashamed. "Yes,"

"How could you?!" she shouted suddenly, her eyes glossing over with fresh tears. "We...we were your friends! We thought you left!"

"I had to, Twilight! If I didn't Princess Celestia would've locked me up," she explained, her voice wavering. "I helped Discord, and she knew it. If I hadn't have done what I did, I would be in the dungeons right now,"

"But he put a spell on you! It wasn't your fault," she said.

Maria hesitated, then spoke the truth. "No, he didn't. We tricked you into believing he did. I helped him on my own accord,"

A collective gasp between the group echoed. Maria felt her eyes beginning to tear up. A slow clapping made her look up. "Bravo, my dear! You are a splendid actress, if I do say so myself," He placed a hand on her shoulder. She flinched, teleporting a few feet away.

"Don't touch me!" she spat. "I still haven't forgotten that you lied to me,"

He sighed. "I truly didn't want to do this, but you've forced my hand, Maria," he snapped, showing a large mirage, showing several ponies.

Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadence; their wings and horns gone, and their hoofs chained to the ground.

"What did you do to them?" Twilight demanded.

"Oh the usual. I trapped them and am now holding them for ransom," he said casually.

"That's it!" Rainbow Dash yelled. She charged at Discord full-speed. He rolled his eyes, teleporting across the room. She screeched to a stop. "Stop doing that!"

"Why is it always violence with you, Rainbow Dash?" he tisked. "I mean no pony any harm. As I've said, I'm holding the princesses for ransom. I'm here to negotiate,"

"Why would we listen to yer demands?" Apple Jack asked.

"Because I have the princesses, hello?" he said.

"We should listen to him, Twilight," Fluttershy whispered.

Twilight sighed. "Fine, what do you want?"

"The way I see it, you want three things from me. So, I want three things in return," he started. "One, I want the Elements of Harmony given to me."

"What?! Why?" the purple pony shrieked.

"So you won't be able to use them against me, of course," he said. "Two, I want my own little place to spread my chaos,"

"That's...surprisingly doable," she muttered. "And the third?"

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