CH-8: It Begins...

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"IT"S MARIA!!" Pinkie Pie bellowed into the microphone. She celebrated in her hot air balloon, making it bounce up and down like a deranged yo-yo. "Maria won! Maria beat Rainbow Dash!" she sang, and Rainbow Dash and I looked at each other in shock.

"I what?!" I gasped.

"She what?!" Rainbow shrieked.

The crowd roared my name. Twilight and the others celebrated, and I caught Apple Jack tipping her hat to me. I beamed proudly. Against all odds, I had beaten Rainbow Dash. And it was mostly thanks to Dis-

Wait...what happened to Discord?

'Discord?' I thought. 'You still there?'

"It seems we'll be seeing each other soon," he said.

'What do you mean?'I received no answer. 'Discord?'

Still nothing.

"That was amazing," Rainbow said quietly. I turned to her in surprise.

"Y-you're not mad that I beat you?" I asked.

She sat down on a nearby cloud and stared at the ground. "I'm a little upset, but that's just 'cause I'm competitive. I'm more impressed at how awesomely you beat me, though." She began to hover in front of me, a small smile playing on her lips. "How'd you do it? i was so sure that I would win...but then you'd you do it?"

"Um, I guess it's just beginner's luck," I lied. I dare not tell her about Discord.

"Beginner's Luck? You've got some luck there," she said with a slight tease. I smiled. "I'm glad to have raced you," she held out her hoof with a confident Rainbow Dash smile.

I gave her my own little smile and took her hoof in my hand, er-paw. Then, together we descended down to the meadow where the rest of the Mane 6 waited. As soon as my feet touched the soft grass, I was bombarded by ponies. Every pony began talking at once.

"Great job, Maria!" Twilight beamed.

"I knew ya could do it!" Apple Jack whooped.

"You were absolutely marvelous, darling," Rarity complimented.

"SHE WAS AWESOME!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "She was like 'whoosh!' and Rainbow Dash was like 'whoosh!' and I was like "It's Maria-It's Rainbow Dash!' And Maria won!"

"Good job, Maria," Fluttershy said quietly.

I giggled. "Thanks girls," I said. "But I could have done it without you all cheering me on,"

"I know! That's why i was like-"

"I think we've got it, Pinkie," Twilight said.

"Well, this has been fun and all, but I need some rest," Rainbow Dash yawned.

"Wait!" Pinkie cried. "I have to throw a 'Congratulations!' party for Maria!"

"There's been enough partying for one day, sugar," Apple Jack said. "Besides, I'm sure Maria is plum tuckered out from her first day here,"

"But wait," Twilight said, "Maria doesn't have anywhere to sleep,"

"She can stay with me in Cloudsdale," Rainbow suggested.

"Or stay with me at the Library?" said Twilight.

"She can stay in the ol' shack at Sweet Apple Acres!" Apple Jack blurted. "It's no longer used fer storage, and Big Mac was thinkin' 'bout tearin' it down. What'cha think, Maria?"

"I appreciate how you all want to give me a place to stay, but-"

"But nothin'," Apple Jack interrupted me. "I can assure ya it's no trouble with you makin' yerself at home in that ol' shack,"

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