CH-35: Tragedy Strikes

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Hey there mah lovely readers! This is the last chapter of "A Discorded Love" before I bring forth the Epilogue, which will lead to the much-anticipated sequal. I haven't really decided on a title yet...

But let's get to it, shall we?


"I saw you kiss that stallion!" Discord said with distaste. Maria's eyes widened. He knew?! But how?

Earlier that morning...

After not getting a wink of sleep the night before, Discord was exhausted. His children were all sleeping in the livingroom, the twins lying on one side of the couch, while Screwball curled up on the other side.

Now having some time to himself, he sat on the end of the bed that he shared with Maria. He was fully aware that it was closing in on their seven-year anniversary, and he'd been pondering what to do for her.

Perhaps he could take her to the Gala? She hadn't been able to attend the past few years, and it would do her some good to spend a little more time away from the kids-seeing as he now understood how much patience she had. And maybe he could have their zebra neighbor, Zecora, who was also their godmother, foalsit the three while they were gone.

Discord was no longer tired as he planned out the night. He was in the middle of creating Maria's outfit when a voice interrupted him.

"Hello, old friend..."

"I thought I got rid of you," Discord growled.

His chaotic voice chuckled. "How foolish-really, I thought you'd be smarter than that," it said. "You will never be able to rid yourself of me. But that's not what I'm here to talk about."

"Then what are you here for? To say your farewell's?"

"Oh ha, ha, very funny, who are you Jerry Seinfield? (yes I did that on purpose...) No, I've come to tell you that your 'wife' is with some pony else."

"Oh that's rich!" Discord scoffed. "You're just trying to get me upset so that I'd unleash my chaos,"

"I'm afraid that's not the case this time. If you don't believe me, look into that magic mirror of yours,"

Hesitant, Discord summoned his mirror, asking to see Maria.

His blood began to boil as he saw that Silver Knight making out with his wife. He tossed the mirror aside, disgusted with Maria. But what he failed to see was the female draconequus slapping the guard.

He stormed into the living room, waking the fillies and the baby draconequus. Before they could say anything, Discord casted a sleep spell onto them, teleporting their sleeping forms into Screwball's room. When that was taken care of he waited for Maria to return, plotting his revenge.


"I didn't kiss anyone, Discord," she argued, trying to keep her cool. If she exploded on him now, there's no telling what he'd do.

"Oh really? Then explain what happened, and don't even dare try to lie!"

"Silver and I got into an argument, he got jealous, then he forced a kiss on me! Forced being the key word here," she explained.

Discord narrowed his eyes at her, sneaking into her mind while she was explaining. He accessed her memories, and sure enough, she had been telling the truth. His features softened, and he suddenly felt guilty, his anger at her fading.

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