Chapter 1: A New Home

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I inspected the large house, sniffing around to be sure that there wasn't anything wrong with it. This house seemed a bit too good to be true. Although I was getting a discount, it still seemed a bit too nice.

The salesman followed me around, smiling at me. "So what do you say?" He asked, tilting his head to the side.

I hummed in thought. I wasn't too sure, honestly. Usually a house like this would be pretty expensive even with the nice discounts, but thankfully I had a nice paycheck that would allow me to pay and have plenty of money left over for other things.

I turned to the salesman who was holding his hand out to shake. I smiled and gripped his hand in my, shaking it. He smiled and nodded. "I'll gt you the paperwork then," He agreed. I nodded and chewed my lip, a bad habit I had gained over time.

He opened the messenger back on his side and handed me a large stack of papers. My eyes widened as he laughed. "Yeah, it's a lot of work but if you ask me, it'll be worth it," He told me. I nodded and took the papers.

"I'll get these back to you," I told him, "But I'm going to check in with some friends I have in the neighborhood," I told him. He nodded and stepped aside as I walked out.

I pulled a pen from my jacket pocket. I always kept one on my person in case of emergencies. I began signing and checking boxes as I made my way to Aphmau's house.

I was supposed to be checking on her to make sure she was getting ready for her trip to Starlight. Her and Aaron would be reunited there after a year. I would be joining as well as several of Aphmau's other friends.

I knocked on the wooden door and waited. I hear footsteps descending the steps as she made her to the door. Aphmau smiled at me when she opened the door. "Y/N!" She cheered, pulling my into a tight hug. "What'd you thing about that house?" She asked, "Did you like it?"

I nodded and held up the papers I was given, causing her to laugh. "Yep, that looks about right. You'll need werewolf insurance too, right?" She asked. I shrugged and shook my head. "I'm not really much of a werewolf, Aph," I informed her.

"Wait, really?" She was amazed. "Even Melissa at least has ear and a tail," she pointed out. I shook my head, giving her a bit of a lop-sided smile.

We expected my ear and tail would just appear at a later time like Aaron's but they never did. I didn't have the Ultima eyes nor did I have the ears and tail. "Nope, we always just assumed I was just a runt," I told her. "Plus we've had ancestors in the past that were human. It's rare, but possible," I listed off the facts I had read about.

"It's possible for werewolves to have runts. Kinda like a regular wolf. There's always a runt and that was me," I shrugged.

Aphmau nodded, looking up in thought. "That would explain why Mr. Lycan is so protective of you even though you aren't an Ultima." I nodded in agreement. Although at least I was allowed to have a life. Aaron was robbed of one because of his curse.

I shook my head, clearing my wandering mind. "Anyways, I was supposed to be checking on you and make sure you've been packing. You're leaving in less than a week," I reminded her. Aphmau grinned in excitement. "Of course I'm packed!" She laughed, "But I think I should show you around the neighborhood," She switched the subject, grabbing my hand and dragging my away from the house.

"Aphmau, you don't have to. It's fine," I declined, kindly. I never had the best of social skills. "Nonsense," Aphmau waved my statement off and guided me across the street. I allowed myself to be guided while she knocked on the door.

After a few moments, the door opened revealing a guy with black hair and a mask over his face. "Hi, Zane!" Aphmau greeted. I chewed my lip and looked down, running my finger over the bracelet on my wrist. It had a rope on it that tied around a silver heart with small loops on either side to hold the string.

Aaron and Melissa got it for me w few years ago. It was supposed to be a symbol for my personality. I loved it and wear it just about every day.

"Hi..." Zane trailed off, probably confused as to who I am. Aphmau didn't seem to pay attention to my shyness as she went on, introducing me. "Zane, this is Y/N. Aaron's sister!" Aphmau cheered.

Zane squinted his eyes, well eye. His right eye was covered up by his hair. "I thought you said Aaron's sister was named Melissa," Zane argued, skeptically.

They had all met Melissa, however it was different for me since I had been busy recently. I had gotten out of college not long ago since I decided to take a few years off before jumping back into school. After that, I spent a year traveling for my photography. I had gotten back about a month or so ago and decided it was time to settle down for a bit. I had been staying with mom and dad recently. Although I wasn't allowed to see Aaron. Since I wasn't a werewolf they didn't want me getting hurt.

Aphmau shook her head, laughing. "No, silly. This is Aaron's other sister. She's been busy traveling so this is the first time anyone had really gotten to meet her. Besides Aaron and I, of course," Aphmau informed him.

Zane looked at me for a moment before nodding. "Alright. Would you guys like to come in?" He offered. Aphmau nodded before grabbing my arm and dragging me inside, accidentally shoving Zane out of the doorway. My eyes widened with concern, "Sorry!" I called.

Aphmau guided me to the living room as I looked at a guy with brown hair and baby blue eyes, similar to Zane's. He smiled at us and waved. "Hey Aph, who's your friend?" He asked, pointing to me.

Aphmua looked to me, allowing me to give an answer. I felt my shoulders tense as I struggled to speak. "I-I am. Am Y/N. It's ni-nice to meet you," I failed at my greeting.

The guys only smiled and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Y/N. I'm Laurance," He introduced. "Sorry to leave so soon,but I have to go babysit my little brother," He apologized, walking out.

I heard footsteps thundering down the stairs. It sounded like someone was angry. I had reminders of when I was young while dad and Aaron would fight. A similar thundering footsteps could be heard as dad came downstairs at the end of an argument.

I tensed and hid behind Aphmau, we were almost the same height but I was a bit taller.

A man in blue with blonde hair and bright blue eyes came downstairs. "Zane! I got a call from Mummy!" The man called. A small smile formed on my face at the excitement he had in just getting a call from his mom.

Zane nodded, shrugging of his excitement. The man's attention was brought to Aphmau and I. "Hello!" He waved frantically. "Aphmau, who's this?" He asked, circling her to get a look at me.

Aphmau smiled, stepping out from in front of me. "This is Y/N. Aaron's little sister. Y/N, this is Garroth," Aphmau introduced.

Garroth smiled at me as he ruffled my hair. "Awe, she's so cute! Look, she's almost as tiny as you, Aphmau," Garroth pointed out, picking me up into a hug. I yelped in fear as he set me down.

Zane shook his head at Garroth. "Garroth, shes a human being. Not a puppy you can play with," Zane scolded.

Garroth smiled. "Technically, if she's Aaron's sister, wouldn't she be? At least like one in some ways," Garroth pointed out.

I gave a nervous laugh. "Not necessarily," I trailed off.

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