Chapter 5: Explanations

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I tackled my bed, wearing comfortable clothes as I nuzzled into my pillows.

My moment of relaxation was interrupted when the door burst open. I jolted up, seeing Garroth in the doorway. I quickly slipped my sunglasses on as Garroth closed the door behind him.

"What in the world are you doing?!" I demanded, pulling my blankets around me so I could stay comfy.

Garroth smiled at me. "I told you I'd talk to you about it later," He reminded me.

I groaned and laid back. "But why now?" I pouted. I was tired and on the verge of dozing off. Not to mention, and actual headache was appearing.

"I saw your eyes change color. We already know Aaron's an Ultima. Why is it a big deal that we know you are too?" He tiled hid head, obviously not wanting to answer my question.

I let out a deep sigh. "Because I just found out myself, Garroth. And I don't want my dad to know. The way he used to treat Aaron, I don't want that," I explained.

Garroth looked at me oddly. "The way he treated Aaron? What do you mean?" He asked, obviously taking it the wrong way and looking angry.

I shook my head. "Not like that, Garroth. Aaron wasn't allowed to have a normal life. He was always told he had to be reserved and avoid making friends," I explained.

Garroth nodded in realization. "That's why he was always so distant. Everyone was always so skeptical because of it," He told me. I smiled and nodded, sounded about right.

"We don't want my dad to find out. Or else he'll haul me home until I get a grip of my eyes. Which could take years," I explained. Garroth nodded.

He still looked confused, so I urged him to ask questioned while I still had the energy to answer. "What's wrong?" I asked.

Garroth took a moment before responding. "Why is it so hard to control your eyes?" Garroth asked. A small smiled formed on my face.

There were several reasons behind it, really. "It's a curse. So there's obviously some tricks behind it," I laughed. Garroth nodded, allowing me to continue. "It's mostly your emotions that trigger it. Like anger, fear, pain..." I trailed off. "And some people have different things about them that could easily get triggered.

"Like what?" Garroth asked. I smiled at his interest in the subject.

"Well... Like how Aaron gets angry easily if you push the right buttons," I explained. "I don't really get angry easily, but I do get scared easily I guess you could say." I smiled, running my finger around  my bracelet.

Garroth's eyes followed mine as he noticed the bracelet. He laughed and I gave him and confused look, although it was harder to tell with my glasses. "It's a heart," He stated. "Like wearing your heart on your sleeve!" He said, connecting the dots. I smiled and nodded while Garroth laughed at the joke.

His laughing soon died down as he stared at my wrist. "Hey, Y/N?" He asked.

I looked up at him and he gave me a small smile. "If you need to talk to me about these kinda of things, feel free to," He told me. I felt my face heat up as I nodded.

"Hey, do you wanna explore the Island with me? I haven't gotten to yet and I don't wanna get lost," I laughed.

Garroth nodded. "Sure!" I have a map of the island if you want, just in case," He said, pulling one out of his pocket. I smiled and nodded.

I tossed it on the bed and shooed him out of the room so I could change clothes. My tiredness was forgotten and my headache had faded. I put the map in my back pocket along with my phone. I threw my camera bag over my shoulder and opened the door. Garroth was waiting as he smiled at me.

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