Chapter Twenty: Father Daughter Fight

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"Y/N." I looked up at my dad who looked completely livid. "Meet me upstairs. Now," He demanded, walking up the stairs.

Oh no. I was in trouble.

I walked up the stairs, seeing him walk into my room. I followed and shut the door behind me. Dad pointed for me to sit down on my bed and I did as I was told.

"I wanted you to come back to the resort so that you could get away from Garroth, Y/N," He explained, obviously annoyed. "You could have hurt him, Y/N."

He really needs to find a new excuse. "Dad, I can control my eyes and he knows when to look away," I reasoned. I couldn't help the doubt that clouded my head a bit, but I did my best to shove it away.

"Do you really want to be with a guy that can't even look you in the eyes?!" He questioned me. That's way over exaggerated!

I rolled my eyes. "He can look me in the eyes all of the time. Just not when I angry or upset!" I fired back, starting to see the point.

"You'd be going through what Aaron always had to for you," He explained.

"Aaron and Aphmau did it!" I claimed. "Aph didn't even know about it until last year!"

My dad growled. "We've already established that this is a different situation," He reminded me. "Aaron had more time to learn. Not only that but Aphmau is what keeps him from going out of control."

Why was he so stubborn?! "Dad why can't you just trust me?" I begged him. "Aaron agrees that I have control, why can't you?" I pleaded.

He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "You're my baby girl and you're moving too fast," He finally concluded.

I blurted my next words out without taking a second to process them. "What do you know?!" The world fell out of my mouth and there was no stopping them. "Dad we had two different lives. I've been waiting for a guy like Garroth to come along my entire life," I told him. "I was taken advantage of and ignored all throughout high school. Now I finally found a guy other than Aaron who cares."

"Y/N, life isn't a Fairy Tale," He warned. "Happily ever afters don't happen like that. You're going to go through a lot of heartbreak before finding the one-"

"No shit, dad!" I snapped. The red rims appeared around my vision but I ignored them. I didn't care anymore. "I didn't have a fairy tale life! I grew up in a rich family and was used every day. I spent every day in a family I didn't belong in. I finally belong in the worst way possible," I shouted loud enough for the entire house to hear and I could care less at this point.

My arms were thrown up in the air and I hadn't noticed until I threw them down, hitting my legs. "Just because my life is finally turning up doesn't mean I'm doing something as stupid as marrying a prince charming." I finished my rant, gasping for air.

The door squeaked open and my gaze darted to Aaron who stood in the doorway. His eyes turned red like mine when we made eye contact. I noticed that every time one of us looked at the other with our red eyes the other's eyes changed.

Aaron waved, walking in nervously. "Hey dad, I was just thinking maybe we could all go out for dinner tonight," He suggested. Dad's eyes darted towards Aaron who smiled a fanged grin.

Dad sighed. "Sure. Whatever. This conversation should be over soon anyways," Dad told him, waving Aaron out the door.

Aaron took the gesture and walked out, clicking the door shut behind him.

"You will see that I am right, young lady. When you have a close call, don't come running to me," He sneered, walking out and slamming the door closed.

I groaned and laid down on my bed, shouting into a pillow.

I sat in my room until the clock hit about four O'clock and Garroth walked in. I kept my head in my pillow, not sure if my eyes had turned normal yet.

"Hey, you alright?" He asked. I felt him sit on the edge of the bed and rub my back soothingly. I relaxed at the feeling and nodded into the pillow.

"Well we're all going out for dinner in a couple of hours. Aphmau and Aaron have some sort of news," He explained.

I nodded and sat up, peeking my eyes open to make sure it was safe before opening them all the way and looking at him.

"I don't think it's supposed to be fancy or anything so you can wear what you are now," he told me. I nodded and got up, getting ready anyways.

Garroth watched at I brushed my H/C hair and adjusting my clothes. I decided I'd put on little make up. Throwing on some mascara along with small bits of eyeliner. Hopefully this surprise doesn't involve any crying.

I looked at my ears and tail in the full length mirror, frowning at the sight.

"What's wrong?" Garroth called from behind me. He stood up, looking over my head when he was standing so I could see him through the reflection of my mirror.

I opened my mouth to talk and a quiet whimper came out. My face burned with embarrassment as Garroth hugged me from behind, laughing. I buried my face with my hands, feeling my tail tuck in between my legs.

I love being a werewolf, but I hate that suddenly going through all of these changes. Now I have to deal with my ears an tail along with try not to bite my lip or anything because I'll make myself bleed with my fangs.

I tucked my ears and tail in, hiding them from sight. Garroth noticed the sudden change and looked at me sadly. "Why did you do that?" He asked me, worry lacing into his voice.

My gaze fell onto the floor in shame. Garroth seemed to get it with that small gesture. "Y/N, don't worry about them. Your ears and tail are adorable," He complimented, making me blush.

I covered my face again only for my ears to pop right back out. I still couldn't get the hang of that.

Garroth laughed as one of his hands came up, petting my ear. My blush grew more intense, especially when he gave me a peck on the cheek.

"Beautiful," Garroth complimented. I swear, I'm more red that a tomato by now.

He walked out and I followed, ready for this dinner.

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