Chapter 8: Past Memories

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"Garroth, you said you'd give it back!" I claimed.

We started docking and Garroth instead of giving me my bandana, is holding it above his head and claiming that if I can reach I can have it.


I huffed and acted like I was walking away. Garroth smiled in victory but I turned around and leaped onto his back.

Only he turned around and now I'm straddling him and our faces are way closer than I anticipated. My eyes widened in surprise as his face turned red with a blush, much like what mine probably is. I had the bandana clasped in my hand and I could've easily just jumped down, but my nerves didn't allow that.

I heard faint footsteps, but they never processed until someone spoke.

"Hey, Y/N when did you- Woah." I dropped the the ground, snatching the bandana along with it and tying it around my eyes. I looked over and saw Blaze staring at us. "I was gonna ask since when did you have ears and a tail, but I think there's some more important questions I should be asking," He said, still looking between the two of us.

I let out a nervous laugh, messing with my bracelet. "For one, I've always had ears. Just hid them. Two, no other questions needed. I was just getting my bandana," I told him, quickly.

"Uh-huh," He said before running off. "Hey Daniel! Guess what!" He called. I ran after him, grabbing him by the collar and pulling him down to my height.

"If you tell a single person about that I will crush every bone in your body and use your blood as syrup on my pancakes," I sneered. Blaze's eyes widened as he quickly nodded. I released him and he took off running with his tail between his legs. Literally.

I made my way back to Garroth who looked horrified. "I don't want to know what you told him," He said, backing away in fear.

I smiled sweetly. "Don't mess with me and you won't have to worry about it," I told him before wandering to the edge of the boat.

The boat neared the island and a smile formed on my face. I wasn't the best with larger rides, but I'd be willing to try a few. This would be exciting.


I dragged Garroth with me towards the gate. I was so excited. "Look at all of this," I squealed.

Garroth smiled as we all decided to go on one of the roller coasters. We all ran to the one we had chosen to go on and waited in line.

Once we finally got to the front of the line, we were told to take off any accessories. I took off my bracelet and put it in the bucket and went to climb into the cart.

"Ma'am, we need you to take off the bandana," The worker told me. I froze and looked over to the bucket. For a moment I considered letting everyone go without me, but Garroth came behind me and pulled the bandana off and tossed it into the bucket. Garroth climbed in next to me, mumbling so only I could hear.

"If your eyes change when the ride stops, close your eyes like your scared and I'll hand your stuff and help you out," He told me, his deep voice sounding rather attractive. I nodded and buckled in.

The ride took off and we were taken through several twists and turns, up and down hills and went upside down a few times. I felt like my stomach was being turned upside down and inside out as we finally came to a stop.

I opened my eyes, not seeing the rims or anything as I grabbed my items and took off to find the nearest trash can.

I found one conveniently placed right outside of the exit and emptied my stomach into the garbage can. Once I was done, I waited for everyone else to catch up.

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