Chapter 15: Fangirl Alert

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I'm going out of town so early update!!

Garroth and I's date went pretty well if you ask me. He was sweet and considerate. He took me out to the park where we rode rides and ate to our heart's content. He also helped me say away from stuff that would cause my eyes to change.

Especially Starry, the park mascot. I wanted to take a picture with him, but with what I heard Starry did to Kawaii~Chan and Zane I was a bit nervous.

Garroth was a very kind and funny guy, but when it came to getting to know him he was a bit shy. Sometimes it took time for me to actually get an answer from him about himself.

Although once I got him talking, he got more and more open.

The next morning, he sat in my room. Since he had to share a room with Zane and we wanted to keep our relationship on the down low until we found out what exactly this relationship was.

Garroth crept into my room early in the morning. We both sat on my bed, looking at each other for a good five minutes or so.

Garroth cut the silence by clearing his throat. "So, uh. Did-did you enjoy our date? I tried to keep it entertaining while keeping your eyes from changing an-and I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable at all," He rambled on, avoiding eye contact as he glanced around the room.

I smiled at him, putting my hands on his shoulders to get him to stop. I wanted to tell him that I had fun, and that I wouldn't mind doing it again, even if I had no idea what to do and felt a bit tense without my eyes covered.

Deciding to do the one thing I had seen in the several chick flicks that Melissa used to always watch. I leaned forward and gently met my lips with his.

I pulled away after a moment, my face probably as red as Garroth's, and his was extremely red.

"So you enjoyed the date?" He joked.

I rolled my eyes at him. "The real question is did you?" I asked, looking at him. My biggest fear is that he wouldn't want this to continue. Although if he doesn't, I'll just have to go about my normal days, right?

Garroth smiled widely. "Do you mind if I copy your answer?" He questioned. A large smile spread onto my face.

"I don't mind at all," I couldn't help the small laugh of joy that left my mouth.

Garroth leaned forward, allowing our lips to meet once again. The kiss was soft and gentle, causing my heart rate to pick up as my face flushed more than before.

We pulled away from each other, both wearing matching smiles.

The sound of a motor approached from outside. I turned to the window and pulled back the curtain, looking through the window. A boat much smaller than ours was approaching. There was a man and a woman on the front of it, the man resembling Garroth quite a bit.

Garroth looked over my shoulder. I looked at him to see his eyes widen. "Who are they?" I questioned.

Garroth took a moment to respond before saying, "My parents. I better hurry out of here," He said, heading to the door before turning to me, "Unless you're ready to tell everyone?" He paused, staring at me, but not in a pressuring way.

"I don't mind,but not with you walking out of my room, that'll look wrong!" I yelled while remaining in a whisper.

Garroth's eyes widened as he slowly made his way out, remaining unnoticed.

I waited a few minutes, leaving my room right before his parents docked. I yawned, stretching as if I had only woken a bit ago. "What's with all of the noise?" I questioned.

"That's Garte and Zianna. We decided to have them join us. We are business partners after all," My dad spoke from behind me. I jumped, holding a hand to my chest. Jeez, he didn't have to come out of nowhere.

Luckily, I had on my bandana, so I didn't have to worry about my eyes.

In the few visits and phone calls I had made, I learned that we had partnered with the Ro'Meaves several times recently. I didn't know much else about it.

I ran to my room to get ready, throwing on a F/C tank-top and some shorts that ended just above my knees. I walked out of my room to see a Zianna on the main deck, squealing and hugging Sylvana, Aphmau's mom

I smiled at them and made my way closer as Zianna, overhearing their conversation. "My ZuZu has a girlfriend!" She squealed. I just then notices Zane and Kawaii~Chan off to the side.

I smiled at them, shaking my head as I walked out, towards the two women.

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I'm Y/N, Aaron and Melissa's-"

"Younger sister!" Zianna cheered, engulfing me into a hug. "I have heard so much about you!" I smiled and tensed withing the kind hug.

Sylvana had a kind expression as Zianna released me. "Nice you meet you. I'm surprised I haven't met you yet," Sylvana wondered.

I let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah, well I've been caught up with a few things. Mostly catching up with family business." And curses.

Garte approached with a large smile as he put an arm around his wife.

Wow, he looks like an older version of Garroth.

Garte laughed as he saw me. "YN? Right? Your father just informed me of your situation." They know about it? "It's really fascinating. I always heard that there is only ever one wolf cursed in a family with the Ultima powers. It passed down from your father to Aaron," He wondered aloud.

My eyes widened with surprise. I didn't know there was only one in the family. I always thought dad just had really good control from handling his eyes all of his life.

Zianna gasped with surprise. "Oh! You're an Ultima as well! That must be why you have your eyes covered!" Zianna gasped. "Wait, you haven't learned to control them? Haven't you had them since you were young?"

I smiled and slowly shook my head. "My eyes changed on our first day of vacation. Until then, everyone thought I got out lucky and was human. We should have known something was up, I guess," I told them, laughing.

Zianna and Sylvana both pulled me into a hug this time. I smiled at them

Once the conversation died down, I walked away, finding Garroth sitting by the pool. I smiled and sat next to him. "So, enjoying your family being here?" I laughed.

Garroth smiled at me. "Yes, although there has to be some sort of reason. I love my parents, but they don't just show up places for a vacation." He seemed serious as I shrugged.

"I dunno. I guess for now we'll just have to sit back and enjoy the ride," I smiled at him.

Garroth turned back to me with a smile. He nodded and reached back, grabbing my hand with him. Although the gesture was small, it was still very relaxing.

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