Chapter 7: The Safety of Others

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We headed back to our place and I went back up to my room. I opened the door and was met with Dad. I froze in my place. "Dad, what are you doing here?" I asked.

"Why didn't you tell me about your eyes?" He demanded. My eyes widened as felt my heart drop. I saw my sister behind him, rubbing her arm nervously.

"Y/N, I had to. We're going to the park tomorrow and I didn't want to risk anyone getting hurt," She explained. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't be mad at her. She was just protecting others.

Melissa walked past me, shutting the door behind her.

I took a deep breath and took off my sunglasses. "Dad, I can explain-"

"Y/N, you could've hurt someone! This curse is nothing to joke around about! You can ask Aaron," He told me.

"I did ask Aaron. He said the same thing I did. He didn't want me to be treated the the same way he was," I told him. "And I'm learning to control it!"

I took deep breaths to calm down. I didn't need to loose control now.

"How long have you known?" He demanded.

I stared at the ground. "The night Aaron got here," I admitted, running my fingers over my bracelet.

Dad let out a deep sigh. "I will allow you to go to the theme park, but if I see or hear about a single slip up, you're coming here until you get control over your eyes," He told me.

I smiled and hugged him. He paused for a minute, hugging me back. "Dad?" I asked.

"Uh, can I let my ears and tail out?" I squeaked.

He let out a deep sigh. "Those already came in?" He asked, letting me go. I laughed nervously and pulled the bobby pins, allowing my ears to stand up. He sighed and nodded. "Everyone here knows about Ultimas, so yes, you may. Just keep your eyes covered," He warned.

I smiled and waited for him to leave before ripping a hole in the back of my jeans for my tail.

I decided it'd be best to start packing for the morning now so I pulled out some scissors and began cutting holes in my jeans for my tail. There are some jeans that are already werewolf friendly, but I didn't want to have to buy a whole new wardrobe.

I finished packing what I needed and took my stuff downstairs. Now when the morning comes I'll only have to grab my last minute things.

I turned around and was met with familiar blue eyes and blond hair.

Garroth stared at me with wide eyes. "Y/N, I thought you didn't have ears and a tail?" He asked me, unconsciously reaching out and rubbing my ears. I felt my face heat up at the comfortable feeling.

I gave a nervous smile while rubbing my fingers over my bracelet. "They came in this morning. My dad said as long as I keep my eyes covered I'm allowed to wander around," I told him.

Garroth smiled down at me. "That's great!" He smiled, pulling me into a hug.  I felt my face heat up more while I smiled at him.

"Yeah! Although I may start wearing the bandana more. It's more comfy than sunglasses," I smiled. Garroth nodded, releasing my ears.

Garroth grinned. "So are you excited to go to the park tomorrow?" He asked me. I laughed and nodded at the sudden change of subject.

He smiled at me. "Anyways, I'll let you get back to your room. Need lots of rest for tomorrow!" He reminded me, heading up to his room. I smiled and went up to my own room, switching my glasses for my bandana.

Time to get some sleep.


I climbed onto the boat, a large smile on my face. I looked around at the ocean before us. I grabbed my camera and climbed to the top of the boat and taking a picture. I sat at the top, enjoying my view as I watched the distant island grow closer.

Before long, I saw Aphmau and Aaron do that titanic thing at the front of the boat. I get why The Titanic is so romantic, but does no one realize that the boat sank after they did that?

Although it was cute. I quickly took a pictures and continued to enjoy the waved around us.

Garroth appeared next to me and smiled at me. I smiled back, taking my camera off of my neck and setting it beside me.

It took a bit before Garroth spoke up. "It was nice of your dad to let you come here," He told me.

I smiled a bit. "Yeah, I'm thankful but also scared," I admitted, thinking out loud.

Garroth turned to look at me. "What do you mean? There's nothing to be scared about," He said.

I dunno, maybe the fact that I'm a monster and I could literally kill someone with a look. This brings a whole new meaning to the phrase 'If looks could kill.' I took a deep breath, inhaling the sea smell. "I make one wrong move and I could hurt a lot of people, Garroth. If I get too scared or upset, my eyes change," I told him.

Garroth shrugged as if it were nothing. "That's why you have the glasses and bandana. Plus you have us to help you calm down," Garroth told me.

A small smile formed on my face. "Garroth, I don't want to put that kind of pressure on you. I feel bad enough you guys have to keep our secrets," I told him.

Garroth shook his head. "It's what friends do, Y/N. They help each other and keep secrets," He told me. A small smile formed on my face. I guess I wouldn't know then. It's not like I had many friends. Only Dottie, Blaze, and Daniel, but I never fit in well since I wasn't a wolf at the time.

Heh, wonder what they'll say when they see my ears and tail. They were always like siblings to me, but I'd have to tell them I just hid my ears and tail.

I ran my fingers over my bracelet and Garroth looked down at it. "I've noticed you do that a lot," He pointed out.

I furrowed my brows. "Mess with my bracelet?" I asked. Garroth nodded.

"I know you do it when your nervous or stressed. So what's wrong?" He asked.

I laughed, straight to the point. "Nothing. Just worried about my eyes," I dismissed. Garroth didn't seem to like that too much as he directed me to look in his direction.

He pulled the bandana off of my face before I could stop him. I quickly shut my eyes in fear. I remembered my dream. When I hurt him, I wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I killed him. 

"Y/N. Look at me," He told me. Not harshly, but gentle. Like he was asking more than demanding. I took a deep breath and barely squinted my eyes. When I realized there were no colorful rims, I opened them all of the way.

I blinked a few times. I hadn't been in pure sunlight in days and it wasn't very fun converting back. Garroth smiled at me. "See, nothing to fear," He told me.

I smiled and nodded. "Thanks Garroth, but can I have that back?" I asked, looking at the bandana. "It makes me feel safer," I told him

Garroth shook his head. "You can get it back when we get close to shore," He told me, stuffing it into his pocket. I groaned, but let him hold onto it

"Fine, but once we start docking, I get it back," I told him. Garroth nodded in agreement and I smiled, watching the waves of water pass by us.

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