Chapter 6: Nightmare Tails

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No, no, no. Stop it.

I closed my eyes, trying to avoid looking at the people around me. My heart raced as I heard cried of pain and fear around me.

"Y/N, are you okay?" I opened my eyes to see Garroth in front of me. His worried face soon formed into pain as he fell onto the ground.

I looked around at the people nearby, accidentally making eye contact as other shouts of pain sounded.

I felt tears form in my eyes. I never wanted to hurt anyone.

I quickly dropped to the ground, searching for my sunglasses. I couldn't find them anywhere.

"Y/N!" I heard Dad's voice. I opened my eyes to see him looking at me with a disappointing look. "What have you done?" He demanded.

I stumbled over my words, trying to figure out what happened myself. "Dad-Dad. I didn't mean to," I told him.

I glanced around but was stopped. "Do not look at anyone but me," He commanded. I stared at him, tears still flowing down my face.

I heard the voices around me which only scared me more.



"Shouldn't she be locked up somewhere!"

I am a monster. I should have just been happy with what I had. Now I had to deal with these people's blood on my hands. I was a deadly creature that deserved to be locked up in a cage so I wouldn't hurt anyone.

I felt a hand grab me. I turned to see a man with a helm grab me, pinning me to the ground. He tied a bandana over my eyes so I wouldn't hurt anyone. "Put her in custody and don't take the blindfold off!" I heard him command.

I sat upright, in my bed. Wheezing for air.

Everything around me was F/C tinted. I quickly put my hands over my eyes, realizing it was my bandana. It was wet from my tears.

I gently pulled it off, seeing my red-orange eyes in the mirror nearby. I closed them and put the blindfold back on. I didn't need to leave my room until I managed to calm down and I needed some time to think about my nightmare.

Was I really a monster? I never was before. All of a sudden I have some curse and I become a beast? I guess that's how things work for some people.

I squirmed in discomfort as I realized there was something underneath me. I jumped out of the bed and looked down at my  bed, seeing nothing but fur.

My eyes widened as I felt my heart drop to my feet. I looked back in the mirror, realizing something I didn't notice beforehand. I had ears on the top of my head. I looked behind me and groaned.

In order to be comfortable in these pants I had to rip a hole in the back of them.

I stared at my ears and tail in the mirror. This is not good at all.

I grabbed my phone. Do I really need to call Aaron? I don't want to interrupt his time with Aphmau.

Melissa. Melissa would be the best choice.

I clicked on her contact and called her.

"Hello?" She asked.

I smiled shyly. "Do you mind coming up to my room for a minute?" I asked. Surely I could trust my own sister with this.

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