Chapter 9: Shattered Dreams

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"What kind of dreams?" Garroth asked, not wanting the subject to drop.

I forced a laugh and messed with my bracelet. "Silly ones. The kind that wouldn't come true in a million years," I told him.

Garroth frowned at me. "If they're dreams then they aren't silly. That's why they're dreams," he told me. I shook my head.

"I had a lot of dreams," I started off. "I wanted to be a singer and I had a child's perspective of changing the world up until I was about sixteen. By the time I got out of high school, my dreams were things like getting a job that supports me and being able to look my own brother in the eyes," I rambled.

I saw Garroth smile out of the corner of my eye."Well those two came true," he told me. Not wrong, but it was with a price.

I adjusted my bandana over my eyes and shrugged. "Any other dreams?" He asked, looking over at me. It was as if he was able to stare straight through the F/C cloth over my eyes because it felt as if we were able to make direct eye contact.

I laughed a bit. "Just the cliche ones," I told him. "Finding a true love, living happily ever after," I elaborated a bit.

Garroth smiled at me. "Everyone has those dreams. Although most don't act like it," he said, looking out at the water. I nodded in agreement.

We sat in a comfortable silence for a few moments. "What are your dreams?" I asked, glancing him although he probably couldn't tell with my eyes being covered.

He hummed in though and went to speak before I cut him off. "You don't need to think about your dreams. If they're dreams you don't have to think about them because they'll be the first thing that you think of," I told him.

Garroth sighed and looked at me. "When I was young all I wanted was to be a professional baseball player, become wealthy like my dad," Garroth smiled. "Not so much anymore," He told me.

I smiled at him. "Well what are your dreams now?" I urged.

He smiled back at me and sighed. "Well, the classics and being there for those who are most important to me," Garroth said cheekily causing me to laugh.

"How sweet," I cooed. Garroth smiled and shook his head at me.

I looked around, realizing the sun was starting to go down. I swiftly swiped my bandana off so I could watch the change of colors clearly. I felt my tail wave back and forth behind me. Garroth laughed a bit at the sight. I felt my cheeks heat up as I watched the sight before me, waiting eagerly for the stars to become visible.

Once they did, I gaze up eagerly. I hadn't even notice that Garroth left until he came back with some sodas. I smiled and took one, opening the can and taking a sip.

"I never thought you'd be one for stargazing," Garroth commented, glancing at me.

I smiled at his words and let out a deep sigh. "It's not as much stargazing as it is the ideas behind the stars," I told him. Garroth looked at me oddly, squinting his eyes.

"What type of ideas?" He questioned. I smiled at him.

I hummed in fake thought and looked at the stars. "The things outside of those stars, what they are, why they're there. Things like that," I told him. Garroth smiled and looked up at the sky.

Before long it got harder and harder to keep by eyes open. I took a deep breath and stood up. "I think it's time for me to head inside," I told him.

Garroth nodded and stayed in his seat. "I'll stay here for a bit longer," He told me. I nodded and grabbed my bandana, heading to my new room.

Garroth's P.O.V.

I watched her head into the boat an took my attention back to the sky. She is a very surprising person. You think you have her figured out and she shows up with something new about herself. It's almost as if she's finding them out herself sometimes.

I heard footsteps and turned around to see Aaron approaching with Melissa behind him. "Oh, hey Aaron. Hey Melissa," I waved at them, smiling.

Aaron and Melissa sat in one of the other two chair. "Hey, Garroth," Aaron greeted.

I leaned back in my chair, taking a sip of my drink. "Is there something wrong? Need anything?" I asked. "Any doors I need to break down?" I got excited for a minute.

Melissa shook her head, smiling. "We wanted to talk to you about Y/N," She said, smiling a little too sweetly.

"Y/N?" I asked, worriedly. "Is there something wrong?"

Aaron sort of rotated his wrists a bit, making a 'meh' sign. "Sort of..." He trailed off.

I furrowed my brows. Was there something wrong with her eyes? Maybe their dad changed his mind about letting her come.

"Well," Aaron started, "We just don't want her getting hurt, is all," He said,rubbing the back of his neck.

Melissa stood up glared at me. "And so help me if you hurt her I'll-"

"Melissa," Aaron warned.

Melissa pouted, sitting down. "I thought you were good cop and I was bad cop," She whined. What?

"Yes, but not that bad," Aaron scolded, turning to me. "We're worried about Y/N. She's going through a lot right now and the last thing she needs is to get hurt," He said, seeming to struggle to find his words.

I squinted at him. Hurt? Why would she be hurt? "What do you mean?" I asked, sitting up in my seat.

"Well, you've been getting close to her recently," I Aaron pointed out.

"And we noticed both of you blushing earlier," Melissa added on.

What were they thinking? I can't like her yet. I'm only just getting to know her. Plus she's so stressed herself a bet a crush would be the last thing on her mind. I shook my head. "You two have nothing to worry about. Y/N probably won't be worried about anything like that for a while," I told them.

Melissa pouted a bit before huffing. "Yeah, but still if it does happen, just remember. You hurt her, we hurt you," She growled. I glanced at Aaron fearfully who flashed me a fanged smirk.

I am so dead.

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