Chapter 12: Karaoke Lunch

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The next morning, I made it out to the Kitchen and leaned over the counter, looking at Lucinda and Melissa who were already there along with Zane.

"So what were you two grinning about last night?" I questioned them. Melissa looked to Lucinda, her way of asking who explains first.

"Well," Melissa started, "You know that guy? The one who scared you and you were talking to?" She asked. I nodded my head as she continued. "When Garroth went to get you, he got a bit protective. The guy did look on the verge of flirtatious," Melissa commented.

"How was he flirtatious? We were just talking?" I asked. Really? I was apologizing for punching the poor guy.

Lucinda cut in this time. "Body language, sweetheart. The way his lips twitched up and the sudden smitten-ness," She explained. "He was totally about to ask you out."

I felt my cheeks heat up as I looked at the counter.

"Plus, the way Garroth blushed when he knocked you down. I think that was him realizing he like you~" Melissa sang.

Lucinda nodded her head. "I can tell you, when he was into Aphmau for a while, he would always blush when she was around and get really nervous," She explained. "Garroth is a shy guy. So if you like him, you'll probably have to be the one to make the first move."

Zane looked up from his coffee mug. "Coming from the source of his mumbling to himself at night. He definitely is feeling something fro you," Zane informed.

I squinted my eyes at him. "What do you mean by his mumbling to himself at night?" I questioned. I mean, it sounded a bit weird to me.

Zane rolled his eyes. "Garroth mumbles to himself a lot when he has something on his mind. Especially at night when he's about to sleep. All I know is he mumbled your name a few times and seemed pretty flushed," Zane said, drinking his coffee.

The conversation ended when Garroth came in the room. His hair was all messy as he wore sleep pants and a baggy shirt. Awe, he looks so cute...

I looked down at the coffee Melissa had place in front of me with a smile. I took a long drink of it and smiled as I headed back to my room. I nuzzled into my blanket, enjoying the warmth.

The door opened, revealing war cries as I felt people just on top of me. I groaned and looked up to see the pack dog piled onto me. "Hi!" Daniel cheered.

I groaned. "What do you guys need?" I asked, looking at them

Dottie smiled as Rylan peeked over from the other side over her. "We wanted to invite everyone to a lunch!" Rylan smiled.

"To say thank you for letting us get a ride on your boat!" Dottie grinned at me.

Blaze was groaning from being underneath the most of the dog pile. "We're gonna leave around 11:30. Ooh! And the place has Karaoke!" Blaze told me.

I raised an eyebrow at them. "Is it werewolf friendly?" I asked, concerned. They all nodded their heads.

"We already checked!" Dottie cheered. "They said they're completely okay with werewolves!"  smiled and nodded. Mom and Dad told me about what happened with Aaron so I was just trying to check just in case.

I turned my head, not being able to move much else to see the time. Eleven o'clock.

I looked at the pack. "Have you guys told everyone else?" I asked. They all looked at each other with unsure glances.

"I told that Kawaii~Chan girl! And Kim," Dottie said.

"Well, I talked to that Melissa girl," Daniel said. I smiled at his shy voice.

Rylan peeked over Dottie once again. "I told that witch girl. Lucy or something?" He said, looking unsure.

I rolled my eyes. None of them were ever good with names. "Lucinda," I reminded him. Rylan nodded quickly.

"I told Garthy dude and his little bro," Blaze said, trying to squeeze out of the dog pile.

I nodded. "That's everyone then. We should head to the front of the boat," I told them. The clock now read 11:15.

One by one, everyone hopped off of me. Me groaning every time from the added pressure from the pressure they put when they jumped. Out of all of them, blaze was the heaviest of course.

I kicked them all out while I changed into some decent clothes.

Once I got my clothes on, I put in some sunglasses and headed out to the front of the boat. When I got there, the pack was hanging out and the only other person was Garroth. I glanced at my watch to see it was eleven thirty-one. I looked at the group and saw no one else on their way.

"Where is everyone?" I asked, glancing at the pack and Garroth. They turned to me and waved cheerfully.

Rylan was the one to speak up. "Several people said they'd be busy. We're just waiting for Lucinda," Rylan explained. I nodded and looked around.

I saw Lucinda walk out of her room and join us at the front of the boat. I smiled as we all headed out to this place that the pack had chosen. Lucinda and I walked side by side, talking. "So I was told this place has Karaoke, and I hear that you aren't a bad singer," Lucinda grinned, nudging me.

I laughed loudly. "Who told you that? I sound like a dying chicken," I laughed.

Lucinda shook my head at the statement. "According to Melissa you don't," She smirked at me. I sighed and shook my head. Of course Melissa would be the one to say that stuff.

Daniel looked back at us. "Y/N has a great voice!" He cheered. I furrowed my brows at him.Since when did I sing in front of him?

"How in the world have you heard me sing?" I questioned, squinting my eyes at him. I saw Daniel's face turn a bit bit pink as he rubbed the back of his neck.

"Well, I-Uh. We were searching for Alpha and I accidentally peeked into your room," Daniel said. I smiled and shook my head. Daniel was just a silly pup sometimes.

I smiled and shook my head as we walked into a large club-like place. Except it didn't look like they sold any drinks or anything unless you were sitting at the bar.

I glanced over at Garroth. He had been oddly quiet the entire way here. I walked over, nonchalantly and sat beside him. I saw Garroth's face tint with pink. I smiled at him. "Hey Garroth. You okay?" I asked. He had been there for me recently, I thought it'd be good if I were there for him for a change.

He gave me a quick and silent nod. "I-I'm good," Garroth answered shortly. I sighed and looked down at the menu that was on the table. I read over it quickly as we all came to quick decisions. We all made our orders when the waitress came over. She smiled at us when she was done and walked away.

I looked around at all of the nice lights and such, a small smile on my face.

The person that was singing finished with their song and stepped off of the stage. The person that was controlling the karaoke stepped onto the stage and spoke into the mic. "The mic is up for grabs. It anyone would like to come up and grab it, just come see me and let me know what song you'd like," He said before stepping off of the stage and going off to his little station.

Lucinda smiled at me. "You should go up there," She encouraged. I quickly shook my head, eyes widen, though they probably couldn't tell. Lucinda pouted. "Come on. I'll do a duet with you," The compromised.

I sighed. "Fine..." I mumbled. I didn't really want to, but I guess I'll go through with it. Lucinda and I stood up, making our way to the DJ booth.

Lucinda smiled at the guy, putting her hands on my shoulders. "This young lady would like to sing next," She smiled, nodding to me.

Wait, what?

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