Chapter 19: Anger to Fear

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A/N: I will be going a bit off of the story line, but not to worry. The main ships will still be in order in the end!

Also, this one will be a bit short.



Garroth pulled me out of the house, a large smile left on his face.

He decided that today we'd be going on a date. Mostly because he wanted us to have a day out together. Aaron and Aph could have their alone time and Garroth and I could have a day stress free.

Although Aphmau and Aaron had been having trouble having alone time since everyone decided to come back early.

Our first stop, Garroth got us both some churros and ice cream. He gave me enough time to grab my camera before he dragged me out of the house, so I was able to take pictures here and there. 

It reminded me of one of our first times here when Garroth and I went around the resort to explore everything.

I laughed as Garroth excitedly got his churros, squealing like a child. He handed me one and ate his. With his free hand he reached over and gabbed mine, intertwining out fingers. I smiled, feeling my face heat up as I looked towards the ground.

We visited a gifts shop and split apart to look around. I was looking at the small little trinkets branded with the Starlight Wonderland logo. There were key chains, magnets, and tons of hats.

I felt a quick smack on my backside and turned to see a random guy smirking at me. He got closer, too close for comfort as I tried to shove him away which didn't seem to work. He rested and arm on either side of me on the shelves, trapping me again.

I grew nervous as he looked down at me. "How about a date sometime little lady?" He asked me. I cringed at his question, disgusted by the man.

"No thanks, I'm dating someone," I informed him, trying to be nice even though anger was beginning to build up.

He rolled his eyes. "Come on, don't lie," He accused, moving a hand to my shoulder. I tensed and balled a fist up, ready to punch.

"Keep your hands to yourself," A British accent growled out. I looked over and saw what I could assume to be Garroth judging by what I could see of his shirt since he was mostly hidden behind the guy towering over me.

The guy looked over his shoulder. "You got a problem, man?" He questioned, oblivious. "Look, I'm just trying to get some hot babes on this nice island. You mind buzzing off?"

I snapped, my fist colliding with the guys stomach. The guy doubled over and Garroth took over, punching the guy repeatedly.

Just as I looked down at the guy I noticed the reddish-orange colors around my field of vision. My anger soon turned to fear. I quickly covered my eyes, remembering I didn't have anything to protect my eyes. "Garroth," I called out.

He didn't respond, but his heavy breathing could still be heard as the punching sound stopped. The guy was still conscious judging by his groaning and the retreating footsteps.

"Garroth, please," I begged, the fear evident in my voice. I must've snapped him out of his trance as I heard his footsteps rush around the store.

He came back moments later as I felt something poke my hands. I took my hands off but kept my eyes shut until I felt glasses rest on my nose. I slowly opened my eyes, adjusting to the dim lenses.

I looked up at Garroth who smiled at me. I gave a half hearted smile back as he pulled me into a hug. My arms embraced him while he rubbed my back soothingly.

We released each other and made our way out of the store, wanting to leave behind the recent events that just took place.

After a while of walking around I decided to pull my camera out. Garroth headed to the ice cream stand. I smiled and followed, taking pictures along the way. Once we got there and got our ice cream, I smiled and put my sunglasses on Garroth since my eyes were no longer a danger. I placed them on his face and took a picture.

By 'a' picture I mean several because once I took on, Garroth began making silly faces for more. I couldn't help the giggles that escaped me as I took more pictures.

For the rest of our day together, I took pictures after pictures while Garroth became my model.

The sun began to go down while we began to head back to the summer home. I smiled, my sunglasses were held onto his shirt while our hands held each other tightly.

We walked into the summer home to be bombarded by Melissa and Kawaii~Chan. I decided to ignore them as I chose to put away my camera bags.

I greeted them farewell before heading up to my room, blatantly ignoring all of their questions.

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