Chapter Twenty-One: Dangerous Mistakes

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We all walked to the restaurant Aaron and Aphmau had picked out and we were currently waiting in line. From what Aaron established it more than werewolf friendly, they had little paw prints on the menu for anything that was werewolf safe.

Everyone was talking with someone and we all were having a great time so far. I was actually talking to Lucinda who had struck up an interesting conversation on potion brewing.

Every voice went silent when a lethal growl sounded and Aaron suddenly took off running. "Ein!" He shouted with anger. My eyes grew wide as I ran to catch up with him.

Somehow I managed to catch up and stop in front of him. I looked at his eyes which were red, causing mine to change as well. "Aaron, you need to calm down-"

"I won't. He's the one that hurt my fiancee," Aaron growled out.

There were gasps of shock, but I shrugged it off for now. "I thought you said Ein was dead," I reasoned with him.

Aaron shook his head trying to move past me. "I saw him," Aaron claimed.

A hand appeared on his shoulder. I followed the arm connected to the hand and looked at Garroth. He froze in his place with wide eyes, pain beginning to show in his expression.

"Y/N!" My name was called, but it was too late now.

Garroth collapsed to the ground in complete agony. I ran past Aaron and knelt beside Garroth, tears brimming my eyes. It reminded me of my nightmares, this couldn't be happening.

Garroth writhed in pain, causing my tears to fall. "Garroth, no." I whispered. "I had been so careful, this can't be happening," I sobbed, already hearing the cracking of his bones.

"Someone help him, dammit!" I called out, not looking up in fear of hurting someone else.

Before long, other people began to help, picking up Garroth and carrying him towards the home. Someone tried to grab my arm for me to look up, but I shut my eyes. Refusing to hurt anyone else. My brain went numb, my ears were picking up the sound, but none of it processed.

Whoever it was gave up and lifted me off of the ground, practically carrying my limp body back to what I assumed was the summer home.

My sorrow soon began to replace itself with anger and fear. Anger at my own stupid mistakes and fear of the monster inside of me.

The tear from my eyes stopped being produced as I clawed myself away from whoever was trying to carry me. I bolted into the summer home that I could see in the distance and ran inside. I bolted up the stairs with the speed of my werewolf abilities and locked myself in my room.

In a blind wrath, things were flying across the room. My ears were filled with the sounds of wood splintering along with a few glass things shattering. I no longer had control of my body, all I could do was sit as it all happened.

After ages the blur of anger faded and I was left with the result. I stood with sore muscles and a trashed room. This would be fun to clean up. I sat for a minute, not wanting to risk walking out.

Then I heard a cry. A cry of pain that rippled through the house and made my chest heavy, knowing that I was the cause of it.

I looked around, luckily finding a bandana on the ground after not much digging. There was no way I'd trust my eyes after this.

I tied the bandana tightly and walked out. Fallowing the pain-filled groans to a room when there was arguing.

"You're daughter did this to him! That monster could kill my son!"

"Garte, she's still controlling herself. She's still learning." I recognized dad's voice behind the door.

"Then you should keep her on a shorter leash next time," Garte scolded. This didn't help my guilt whatsoever. Maybe I didn't have as much control as I thought. I mean, my eyes were still red now and I couldn't switch them back for the life of me.

My dad growled in anger. "She is not some animal. She is still a human being and it's not my right to take away her freedom," My dad defended me.

I opened the door, deciding now would be an okay time to step in. "I'm not an animal, but I sure am a monster," I claimed, glancing around the room.

Garroth lay on a bed while Aphmau and Aaron stood in the corner of a room. I looked at Aaron who's attention was on me from the moment I opened the door. His eyes turned red when I looked at them. He noticed and shut them, directing his head to the ground.

There was silence as I walked over to Garroth who groaned in pain.

"Y/N," My dad called to me. I directed my gaze to him as he continued his sentence, "Are your eyes red?" He asked me.

I simply nodded, causing more silence. "Look at Aaron again," He instructed. I did so and Aaron looked at me, although we weren't making eye contact, our eyes seemed to acknowledge each other while his turned red.

"It seems that whenever one of you has their eyes changed the other reacts to it unwillingly," Garte concluded.

Dad nodded in agreement. "You didn't loose control, Y/N. You just thought you did," He concluded.

I looked down at Garroth who was still writhing with pain. Tears once again filled my eyes like guilt filled my chest. "I'm still the one who caused it," I sobbed, sitting next to the bed.

Garroth seemed to slowly be calming down more and more. "Y-Y.../N..." He whispered.

"I'm so sorry, Garroth," I apologized to him. "I was so stupid."

Garroth shook his head. "Y/N, it was a mistake. It could have happened to anyone," He explained. "At least it happened to me and not some stranger." He forced a smile at me.

"But what if I loose you," My voice grew weaker by the second. I tried to hold back as many tears as possible.

Garroth's smile grew more genuine but still pain filled. "Even if I die, I'll live on," He told me. "You'll keep me alive, right? In your heart." The tears spilled, wetting the bandana. I lay my head on his shoulder, nodding.

"I will. And I promise, I'll do whatever the hell I can to keep you alive Garroth."

His chest vibrated with a chuckle. "I know."



Hello, guys! That is it for this Fanfic, don't worry there will be a part two. I can't just leave you guys hanging.

Unfortunately, with Aphmau's series on hold, I can only do so much. That's why I decided that this would be a good time to end the story.

I love you all so much! Just keep fighting, alright?

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