Chapter 11: Melissa's Ships

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About twenty minuted into the movie I accidentally fell asleep. I hadn't slept the best recently so a nap was in order, but then again I missed one of the best movies ever. Aka, almost every Disney movie ever made. Almost every one, there's been a few that weren't too great but still good overall.

I woke up when Garroth shifted. My head was rested on his shoulder. He was reaching forward and attempting to close my laptop. 

I quickly sat up, rubbing my eyes that were blocked by my bandana. "We should probably head to the front of the boat. Melissa should be ready to leave now," He said, climbing over me and standing up. I nodded and got up, grabbing my over the shoulder purse and putting my bandana in it and putting on some sunglasses.

I followed Garroth to the front of the boat where everyone was getting ready to leave. Melissa seemed upset as she made her way off the boat. I hurriedly caught up to her and walked beside her. "You alright?" I asked, tilting my head a bit.

Melissa let out a sad sigh. "Aaron and Aphmau went back to the resort for a couple of days. Meaning they won't be going to the haunted house," She pouted. I laughed, Melissa and her ships was something you didn't want to mess with.

She let out a sigh before shrugging. "Oh well, I guess I'll just have to hope for some action with some of my other ships," He said in a suggestive tone while nudging me.

I frowned, quirking an eyebrow. "You're shipping me this time?" I questioned. She had shipped me before, but only once and it only lasted about a week before she said that it was more of a friendship than a relationship.

Melissa nodded eagerly, with a large smile. "Who with?" I asked, giving her a side glance.

Melissa's jaw dropped in astonishment. "Are you serious?! Who else would I ship you with?" She questioned, motioning a hand to Garroth who was walking in front of us, talking to Blaze.

Lucinda broke into the conversation, appearing on the other side of Melissa. "To be fair, you guys have been spending a lot of time together," She sang in her smooth voice. I rolled my eyes. These guys are ridiculous. Garroth and I were just close friends.

"Kawaii~Chan also ships Y/N~Sama and Garroth~Kun," Kawaii~Chan cut in from behind us where she was walking with Zane. If you wanna talk about a real ship, look at those two. That would be the cutest thing ever.

I rolled my eyes. Thankfully, Garroth and Blaze were pretty caught up in their conversation and the only person who would probably hear would be Blaze considering his wolf hearing. Dottie was with them, participating in their conversation. Daniel did exactly as he said and told everyone he had a tummy ache and wasn't feeling up for it.

"Even if you guys don't like each other, it's only a matter of time," Melissa said. "Maybe even a little push, like the haunted house."

"Or this," I heard Lucinda say from behind me as I was shoved forward into Garroth's back, causing me to ricochet and fall straight to the ground. I let out a yelp as I fell onto my tail and I felt my sunglasses get knocked off.

"Y/N!" Garroth called, his voice got louder, telling me he must've knelt down to my level. "Are you okay?" He asked. I nodded quickly.

"Sorry, must not have been paying good attention," I told them, covering for the girls. I kept my eyes firmly shut as I blindly searched for my sunglasses. I felt like I was strongly reflection Velma from Scooby-Doo.

Instead of my glasses, I managed to find a broken bottle. "Y/N! Be careful!" Garroth shouted. I felt him place the sunglasses over my eyes I opened them and looked down to see my hand was now cut open, but not too deep.

Garroth looked at it, wincing at the sight of it. "You have your bandana, right?" He asked. I nodded and pulled it out, handing it to him. Garroth wrapped my hand with the bandana.

I looked at him, worriedly. "What if I need it?" I asked.

Garroth smiled and shook his head. "If you do end up needing it, we can buy you a new one. There's a ton of souvenir bandanas around here," Garroth told me, glancing ahead of us. "Everyone's at the haunted house already, let's catch up," He said, grabbing me by my uninjured hand and dragging me to the haunted house where everyone was waiting.

We walked in and I was already nervous. I hated haunted houses with a burning passion, but I tagged along because I didn't want to ruin the fun. Plus I was hoping to face my fears.

Some people face their fears, I wanted to run home screaming.

I walked at the back of the group, less chanced of getting scared. I watched as the Ghost inside of Kim kept trying to get close to Zane. Meanwhile Kawaii~Chan was getting very jealous.

I ran my finger over my bracelet as I walked a couple feet behind the group watching as they all got scared while I was able to walk in slight peace.

Until one of the doors next to me opened and a guy wearing a mask jumped out with on of those fake bloody knifes. He let out a shout, causing me to scream. Out of reflex I swung at the creature causing distress, punching the guy.

The guy stumbled back as I held my hands over my mouth with wide eyes, trying not to laugh.

The guy pulled off his mask, his long brown hair falling just above his eyes. "What the hell?!" He shouted.

I bent down, offering him a hand up. "I am so sorry. It was a reflex," I explained, a bit of guilt seeping through my nerves.

He sighed and shook his head. "The bad thing is, that's not the first time it's happened," He mumbled. I let out a small laugh before quickly covering my mouth. He glanced at me before smiling and laughing a bit himself. In the dim lights I could barely see a red spot forming on his cheek.

"I feel so bad, now," I laughed a bit. Although I felt horrible, it was still pretty funny. The guy laughed and I saw his smile soon fade away as he put his mask on.

"I better get to work," He said, quickly before turning around and disappearing into the room he came from.

I smiled a bit and turned only to bump into someone's chest. I looked up and saw Garroth, standing behind me. He smiled, showing his teeth. "Hey, we're all waiting for you," He told me as he pulled me towards the group at the end of the hall. I noticed Zane, Kawaii~Chan, and Kim were missing, but ignored it for now. No one was worried so neither was I.

Melissa and Lucinda had smirks on their faces as I joined them. "What?" I asked them. They glanced at Garroth who was behind me and shook their heads. Meaning they'd tell me later.

We continued on and Garroth stayed nearby that way anytime someone would jump scare me, he could grab me so I wouldn't punch anyone else. Meaning Garroth basically carried me through the haunted house.

The long hallway were finally coming to an end as I saw the exit ahead. I ran towards it, Garroth following me as he tried to get me to slow down. I was about to open the door when one of the statues near the door came to life as it came after me.

I let out a scream as I started to swing while Garroth practically tackled me. Before I knew it, my back hit the ground and Garroth was hovering over me.

I felt my face heat up at the closeness; Garroth's face was red as well. He was still for a moment, staring at me as his cheeks progressively turned a darker. 

When he finally snaps out of it, his eyes widen. "Y-Y/N. I am so so-sorry," He stammered, scrambling off of me.

I shook my head. "It's fine. Don't worry," I smiled at him. Garroth gave a quick nod and stood up, helping me to my feet.

The girls were smiling like idiots as we made our way to the boat. I needed to find out what they knew later. Right now I was ready to get to the boat.

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