Chapter 17: To the Resort

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My bags were packs and I was waiting by the docks. I had told everyone about me leaving, Garroth had obviously been upset about it.

I stared at the water as the small boat got closer and closer.

Footsteps began to approach as well from behind me. I turned to find Garroth who smiled at me. I smiled back, waving. "Hey," I greeted, pulling myself to my feet and hugging him.

Garroth hugged me back, resting his chin on my shoulder. "I don't know what my dad's doing," I grumbled into his chest. "You're the main reason I've managed to stay in control," I laughed, lifting my head to look at him.

Garroth smiled at me. "That's why I've decided to come with you," He told me, pulling his blue suitcase from behind him.

My jaw almost dropped as I hugged him once again. "What about my dad?" I questioned. Garroth put a finger to his mouth.

"My dad will talk him down. What could your dad really do?" He questioned. I smiled and rolled my eyes. Of course.

The boat docked and I smiled. "Let's go quickly then," I said, climbing onto the boat.

Garroth was right behind me as the captain came over. "Miss Wolfwere, who is this? I was told it would be only you," She told me.

I smiled kindly. "Last minute change. Sorry about that. Any who, I've already said all of my goodbyes so we can get on the road," I paused. "Or water."

She smiled and headed back to the controls as we headed off. I smiled at her as I decided to sit by the deck where Garroth joined me.

Back to the resort.


By the time we got back, it was dark out. Garroth and I walked into the silent house.

Aaron and Aphmau must be asleep. I put a finger over my mouth to tell Garroth not to be too loud. We sneaked up the stairs, flinching when a blood curling scream sounded through the house.

I bolted for where the scream came from, bursting through Aaron and Aphmau's door. Aaron turned to us with wide eyes. He quickly shooed us out of the room, shutting the door behind him. "What are you guys doing here?!" Aaron whisper-yelled.

"Dad sent be back," I spoke in a small voice, feeling like a child getting scolded. "He wanted you to help me with a few things since he's too busy to do it himself," I told him, rolling my eyes at the last part.

Aaron's eyes moved to Garroth. "Then why is Garroth here?!" He questioned, exasperated.

I gave a shy smile as I grabbed his hand. "We're dating so Garroth decided to tag along," I said and cheerful yet nervous voice.

Aaron glared at Garroth who gave an innocent smile before looking back to me. "We'll talk about this in the morning, alright?" He offered. I nodded and ran, pulling Garroth behind me.

We got our suitcases and parted ways to our own rooms.


After reviewing all of the possible results of the scream that occurred the night before, I came to the conclusion that either Aaron and Aphmau were watching a horror movie or Aaron decided to turn Aphmau.

And judging by the cries of pain I heard all night, it's the second one.

Aaron walked into the kitchen with a small wave, I turned to look at him, leaning on the counter. "You're turning her, aren't you?" I accused. Aaron groaned before turning to me.

"Alright, fine. Yes, I'm turning her, but she begged me to so that she could better understand the changes I'm going through. Please don't tell dad until we're ready though," He begged.

I rolled my eyes. "I'll make you a deal, you tell dad that I have full control over my eyes and won't hurt anyone and I'll keep my mouth shut," I bargained.

Aaron gave me a 'why not' look and shrugged. "Deal, you already have really good control of your eyes anyways," Aaron pointed out.

"Tell dad that!" I shouted, annoyed. "He also tried to get me to break up with Garroth."

Aaron smirked. "Speaking of Garroth," He started, "When did you guys become a thing?"

I groaned and hit my head on the counter. "A few days ago. We decided we'd give it a shot," I said, looking at him.

There was a knock at the door as I went and answered it. Katelyn stood there, I had only just met her before we left to come here, but I had heard a lot about her.

"Hi Katelyn, what're you doing here?" I asked.

She gave me an odd look. "Oh, hey Y/N. I could ask you the same, weren't you with everyone else?" She questioned, laughing a bit as she stared at my ears.

I gave a nervous laugh. "Yeah, I came back to check on Aphmau and Aaron. But like I asked, why are you here?" I asked.

"Oh! Well Aphmau and I were supposed to be going out for lunch, just girls kind of thing, Ya'know?" She smiled. "You're welcome to join us if you want," She offered.

I let out a nervous laugh. "Well, Aphmau's not feeling too great right now," I said sadly, messing with the bracelet on my wrist.

Her face filled with concern. "Oh, maybe we should stay here. I could make her some soup or something," She attempted to walk in, but I stopped her.

"No, no. It's fine. She already has me, Aaron, and Garroth trying to help," I told her.

I felt hands on my shoulders, causing me to flinch with surprise as I looked up at Aaron. "I just went upstairs and spoke with Aphmau. She says that she would like for Y/N to join you so you could still have your girls day," He told her.

Wait, what?

Katelyn gave an unsure nod. "Alright, sure. sounds fun," She smiled, but was obviously nervous around me and Aaron.

Before Aaron could shove me out the door, I snatched my camera bag as he shut the door behind us.

I smiled at Katelyn and put the bag over my shoulder. "Sorry about him, he's a little grumpy since Aphmau's sick," I told her.

She nodded and waved it off with obvious tension in her shoulders. "No, no. It's fine," She dismissed, looking to the ground.

I frowned a bit as we continued walking. Maybe she just isn't comfortable around new people, but then again she grew more tense when Aaron showed up. Plus when I met her after getting my home on Lovers Lane, she didn't seem to mind.

After going over the several possibilities, my question burst from my lips without thought. "Katelyn, do you not like me?" I asked, looking at her.

Here eyes widened with surprise. "What? Of course I like you, it's just- I," she let out a sigh before continuing, "I've had some bad experiences with werewolves and I'm kind of scared to be around them now."

My mouth fell open a bit as I was left without words. I wasn't offended or anything, I understood that she was just scared of them, but I wanted to find a way to help. "I understand, Katelyn. Some werewolves out there are just plain jerks," I told her. "But not all of us are. Kind of like dogs," I smiled at her.

She nodded. "Yeah, I know that. Listen, I'm trying. I promise. It's just taking a little bit of getting used to, ya know?" She asked. I nodded, telling her that I understood.

"If you're okay with it, we can sort of extend this little lunch into an all day thing? Help you get a little more used to werewolves," I offered. "Only if you want to." I reminded her.

Katelyn nodded, still nervous, but willing to face her fears. "Alright. Let's do it," She agreed with a smile.

"Perfect!" I cheered. "But lets start out with food because I'm starving." Katelyn nodded with agreement as we ran off to the restaurant.

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