Chapter 14: Conditions

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I sat on my bed, facing Garroth who sat across from me. I had taken my bandana and sunglasses off so I could look him in the eyes.

We decided that we'd both sleep on it and talk about the... Issue?

Let's just say I had conditions and needed time to get them all thought out.

I held up a finger. "Rule Number One. If my eyes change at all. You look away, got it?" I demanded. Garroth nodded like an obedient puppy waiting for a treat.

"Rule number two. This goes slow. I've never done this before and we're lucky I'm not freaking out right now," I explained to him. "And last rule. I wanna try this before we tell people. I know people ship us and I don't wanna get their hopes up."

Garroth smiled at me like the goofball he is. "What?" I questioned.

His smiled widened. "It's cute when you worry about the feeling of your loved ones," He cooed. I felt my cheeks heat up at the comment as I looked away.

"And while we're at it. Since we're starting slow... How about a date? To see how things go?" He suggested. "It'll be completely casual and just a way to get an idea of how this will work out," Garroth explained. I nodded in agreement. It was a good idea and perfect way for this to work out.

"But I have a condition too," Garroth cut in. I looked at him and nodded. I didn't expect him to have any conditions, but whatever he had I was all ears.

Garroth grinned at me. "On our date, I don't want you to cover your eyes," Garroth said. I faltered for a second. That was dangerous. I don't think I'll ever understand why he's so persistent. "You can keep stuff on you just in case of an emergency, but I will  try keep this date as scare, stress, and anger free."

Why did he have to be so sweet and considerate?! "Fine," I agreed.

A large grin spread across Garroth's face as he hopped off of my bed. "I better go get our date ready," He explained. "We can leave late at night so no one tries to join us. I'll come get you and don't worry about dressing fancy," Garroth said. I smiled and shook my head at his planning.

"Alright. I'm gonna hang around the boat until then," I told him, standing up. Garroth nodded as we both walked out of my room. Garroth went straight to his room while I decided to go out to the front of the boat.

I let out a deep sigh. What to do...

I hummed in thought as I looked over the side of the boat. I could use a dip in the water, and just swimming in a pool isn't as fun...

I pulled off my skirt, showing my swimsuit and took off my sandals. I didn't have to worry about getting caught underneath the boat since it wasn't running. I put my bandana on so my dad couldn't get onto me for not having it, tying it tight enough it wouldn't fall off.

I looked down at the water and jumped right in.

The water was pretty deep, but the dock wasn't very far so if I needed I could get back easily. I broke the surface of the water and gasped for air.

Soon after the water cleared from my ears I heard a voice from the boat. "Guest overboard! Nate! Go help her!" I looked up to see Guide looking down at me and his boyfriend, Nate about to dive in.

"No, no! I'm Good! Just went for a dip," I called out.

Nate froze in his place and pouts a bit. "Awe man."

Guide patted his boyfriend on the back. "It's okay, you'll get your chance sooner or later," Guide consoled. I smiled at the two and and swam up to the docks and climbing onto the boat.

As soon as I was on, guide was waiting for me with a large white towel. He put it over my shoulders. "Come on, sweetheart. We don't want to catch a cold before your date, would we?" Guide asked, guiding me to my room.

My eyes widened a bit. Who told him? "How do you know?" I questioned.

Guide gave me an innocent grin. "I may have been eavesdropping. Plus that Garroth boy was extremely excited once he left your room," Guide told me. I smiled and shook my head. The big dummy.

I wave goodbye to guide and went inside of my room, changing into some dry clothes, not getting ready for the date quite yet.

I stepped into the kitchen where Melissa and the pack were all hanging out. I smiled and waved at them all, hopping up so I was sitting on one of the counters. Dottie ran over to me with a worried expression. "Y/N! Are you okay? You ran out last night and we were gonna go after you, but Lucinda said to leave it to Garroth," Dottie explained.

I smiled and shook my head. Of course Lucinda said that. "Yes, I'm alright."

Blaze popped up right behind Dottie. "Garothy Dude didn't do anything to you did he?" Blaze narrowed his eyes. "I mean, we're bros and all, but you were a sis before he was a bro. So he's automatically overpowered by the rules of bro-ness," Blaze told me.

I had to avoid laughing at the statement because I knew if I did, Blaze would tell me that "The Bro-est Rules of Bro-ness is nothing to laugh a bout, bro."

He's gone over the spiel before, so I knew by now.

I smiled at him and nodded, ruffling his ears. "He didn't do anything, don't worry," I dismissed. Blaze nodded and let out a sigh of relief.

"Hey, has Kawaii~Chan made any cupcakes lately?" I asked. Cupcakes sounded great right about now.

"Yeah," Melissa informed me. I grinned before she added, "But they're all chocolate." I could hear the whimper that came from my throat.

My face began to heat up, that was the first time I've whimpered in front of peopleandit's kinda embarrassing. I didn't think anybody noticed until Daniel swallowed his food to give a loud. "Awe."

I looked away from him, only to meet face to face with a cheerful Kawaii~Chan. "Did someone say cupcakes?!" She questioned

"Uh, yeah. I was just saying that cupcakes sounded good right about now," I told her, shrugging.

She let out a squeal, grabbing my hand and dragging my to the counter where she sstarted getting utilities and ingredients.

Looks like I'm making cupcakes now.

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