Chapter 18: Girl's Day!

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Katelyn decided we'd go shopping, since we're on vacation and a new wardrobe seemed like a good idea. "Katelyn, you look so cute," I complimented at her outfit.

She wore a powder blue top with a white skirt and it looked great on her. She smiled down at the outfit. "You think so?" She asked. I nodded as she did as well. "Okay, I'll buy it. Now it's your turn!" She cheered.

I groaned as she picked out some outfits for me and directed me to the dressing rooms she had just gotten back from.

The first outfit was a white crop top that flowed out, ending just above my belly button and an F/C skirt with a bit of a floral print. I scrunched my nose at the outfit and walked out. Katelyn turned to me, here eyes widening with horror as she shoved me back inside.

I put on the next outfit that wasn't too bad, but I wasn't sure it was suiting for me. I walked out and Katelyn sent me back in as she handed me some different clothes.

This once felt much more comfortable. I wore an F/C tank-top and some white shorts and a F/C flannel tied around my waist. I smiled, looking at myself in the mirror.

I stared into the mirror, looking myself over. The outfit was cute and I really liked it, but my ears didn't fit it. They didn't look normal with the outfit.

I took a deep breath and concentrated on putting my ears and tail away. Melissa had given me a few tips for it just in case, but I was still learning. I lifted my head to find my ears and tail gone, now the outfit looked more natural.

Katelyn seemed to like this outfit as much as I did, but she frowned when she saw my lack of ears. "Where did your ears and tail go?" She questioned. She had gotten comfortable with me being a werewolf, but it seemed like something she'd have to work past, one person at a time.

I gave her a small smile. "I put them away, I thought the outfit would look better without it," I told her, messing with the bracelet on my wrist.

Katelyn frowned and shook her head. "Y/N, it's okay. Just because I'm scared of werewolves doesn't mean I don't want you to be yourself," She encouraged.

I shook my head. "No Katelyn, it's just that..." I hesitated, deciding to chenge the situation since she didn't know about the whole ultima situation. "Our entire family kept our ears a secret for so long to the point where I sort of lost track of who I was, I guess. I felt like I was a human all along kind of thing, ya know?" I explained to her. I actually thought I was human for a while, but I guess I wasn't.

Katelyn's mouth made an 'o' meaning she now understood. "So you're having to get used to being a werewolf as much as I am with being around them," She concluded. I nodded as she patted my back. "It's alright. We can work past it together, alright?" She offered.

I smiled and gave her a gentle hug. She seemed unsure of the gesture at first as she soon relaxed and hugged me back.

We released each other and both paid for the outfits we wore, carrying our old clothes in shopping bags. My ears had already popped out by the time we left the store, causing me to let out a huff of frustration. Katelyn laughed as we headed to the place she was staying for the summer.

Travis met us at the door with a smile. "Oh, hey Y/N. I though Katelyn was supposed to be hanging out with Aphmau?" He questioned, looking confused.

I was going to answer when Katelyn cut me off. "Aphmau was sick, so Y/N and I hung out instead," She told him with a smile.

"Really? You hung out with Y/N? Like, Y/N? With ears and a tail and being a werewolf, Y/N?" Should I be offended? I feel like I should be offended.

Katelyn laughed. "Yeah, she's helping me move past my fears. She's actually really cool," She complimented.

Travis seemed a bit protective of her. "So, what did you guys do? Play volleyball or anything?" He asked.

My eyes widened with excitement. "No! But we should've!" I gaped. Travis laughed a bit as Katelyn looked at me.

"Wait, you like volleyball?" She asked.

I laughed. "Of course, it's one of my favorite sports!" I scoffed. I used to love to play in high school, but my school didn't have a team. I actually didn't go to Phoenix Drop High like Aaron. I went to O'Kasis and they don't have as many sports as Phoenix Drop.

Katelyn grinned. "Oh, we're so playing with me next time we hang out," She concluded.

"You're on," I agreed. Travis laughed at our competition that we just started as I waved, letting them know I should get going since the sun was starting to set.

I ran to the summer house before the sun had the chance to set and met with Garroth sitting on the couch while Aaron cooked dinner.

I looked at Garroth. "Why aren't you helping with the cooking?" I asked, tilting my head.

Aaron stepped out of the kitchen with wide eyes and a wooden spoon, pointing at Garroth. "He is no longer allowed in the kitchen while I am cooking," Aaron claimed. I rolled my eyes.

"What did he do?" I asked, crossing my arms.

Aaron huffed, "He managed to cause a fire while making cereal!"

My eyes shot to Garroth. How do you even do that? Garroth held his hands up in surrender. "I'm just so hot it catches things on fire I guess," He concluded. Okay, I had to give him that one, it was pretty smooth.

Aaron shook his head and walked back into the kitchen. I looked at Garroth. "What else have you done today besides catching things on fire?" I asked him, leaning over the back of the couch.

Garroth shrugged, lifting me over the back of the couch so that I was sitting next to him. I laughed, leaning my head on his shoulder. Garroth's strength surprised everyone sometimes. We all knew he was extremely strong, but in some cases it could get a bit out of control.

Aphmau had told me about something that happened during college where he shoved a guy against a tree, causing some really bad damage. I've never seen him at that point, but I was honestly scared to.

Garroth turned on the TV in front of us as we decided to watch some Netflix.

We weren't allowed to see Aphmau yet, since Aaron wanted her to get as much rest as possible. Having every bone in your body being broken down and remade must be tiring.

After she's done turning, our only problem is hiding it until it's time to tell everyone.


Alright, guys! Or those of you that are actually reading an Authors note. If so, I'm proud of you.

In the next chapter this book will be ending, BUT

As it will be easy to tell, the story isn't over and it will continue as Season 6 Comes out! I will try to update those ass Jess/Aphmau puts out new episodes. Until then, ENJOY!

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