Chapter 3: Some Wishes Come True

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We decided we'd all walk home as a family. Once we got inside, I headed straight for bed while everyone said their goodbyes downstairs.

I heard loud voices in one of the rooms I passed and stopped, listening.

"Wasn't it nice of Aaron's parents to pay for us to join them?" A giggly voice asked. Garroth.

"Yeah, but I wish we had a way to pay them back." I recognized that one as Zane.

"Dad probably could."

"Not wrong."

I slowly opened the door, smiling. "No need. This whole thing is my dad's way of apologizing for all of the hard times in the mountain," I told them. "And a thank you for keeping Aaron's secret."

The two boys turned to me. Garroth smiled while Zane only nodded. "Hi, Y/N. Nice to see you again," Garroth greeted. I smiled and waved at them. "Same to you," I nodded.

There was an awkward silence as I waved once again. "Well, I should head to bed. Sleep well," I told them, backing out of the doorway as I closed the door back.

I turned to head to my room when I remembered I left my bag with all of my bathroom necessities downstairs. I turned and headed back down the stairs, hearing faint yelling.

"My own sister couldn't look at me!" I heard Aaron yell.

"Aaron, that's not your fault. She's different, just like you are," Dad pointed out. Different, that's a new one.

"Why can't I just turn her or something!" Aaron cried. Turn me? I had suggested it in the past, but was immediately turned down every time. Mostly by Mom and Dad.

"You know we can't do that. Word could get out, Aaron. If you turn her, it completely alters her entire skeleton," Dad reminded, "Plus, that is her decision to make. Not yours."

I'd been the one trying to encourage the idea for years. I'd be willing to do it in a heartbeat. Even with the pain. It's not as much as the mental pain that comes with being the only  different person in the family.

I heard Aaron sigh. "Dad, we all know she's wanted to be a werewolf. She feels like a loner in our family because she's the only one without ears and a tail," He pointed out. He wasn't wrong.

"I- Your eyes-" Aaron cut him off, "I don't care right now, dad! Don't change the subject."

I decided to break up the conversation, making my way to the bottom of the stairs. I kept my eyes on the ground, knowing I didn't need to look up.

"Y/N," Dad announced.

I stared at my feet. "I just forgot one of my bags," I explained. I heard footsteps before the F/C bag came into my field of vision.

I took it and waved, walking back up the stairs. "You see?" I heard from below me. "I don't like that my own family has to stare at the ground when I get a bit upset."

Dad sighed. "Aaron, you can't help it," Dad tried calming him, failing miserably.

"But I can help it, Dad! If you'd let me turn her," He reasoned. Good point, but not good enough to convince dad.

"Do you really want to put your sister through that much pain?" Dad demanded. He was met with complete silence. Aaron hated anyone being in pain, especially those he cared about.

I made my way up the rest of the stairs and ran to my room. I shut the door and quickly turned on the music. My phone automatically hooked up to the small, but powerful, blue tooth speaker and played music.

I always played music extra loud to that if I got upset, no one would hear my mini-tantrums. This time I kept it loud, but not loud enough to disturb anyone.

I dropped my bag and curled into a ball on my floor. I ran my hands through my H/C hair as tears threatened to spill over.

My mind flooded with memories of the night. It was my fault Aaron got upset in the first place. Had I not gone on my trip or had I gone to college when I first graduated, I could've been there when everything happened. I wouldn't have had to ask questions and I wouldn't have had to worry about not being able to look my own brother in the eyes.

I felt anger-filled tears spill from my eyes as I punched the floor below me. I let a cry of distress as I sat up, running my hands through my hair again.

I heard the door open and saw the silhouette of Aaron  through my watery eyes. Aaron closed the door and knelt down to my level. I looked at him. "Why did I have to be normal?" I asked through my scratchy throat. I saw orange-red rims  around my vision at the tears began to dry up.

Aaron's eyes widened as he ran to one of my drawers. I looked at him oddly as he pulled out one of my bandanas. He threw it over my eyes, quickly tying it behind my head. "Y/N, didn't anyone ever tell you to be careful what you wish for," He demanded, it was a joke but it wasn't at the same time.

I looked at him oddly. Well, sort of. It was pretty hard to see through the bandana. Aaron sighed and pulled me to my feet, positioning me in front of a mirror. He pulled the bandana up to reveal orange-red eyes. I looked at Aaron through the mirror. He allowed his eyes to switch  to the same color as mine.

Aaron pulled the bandana back over my eyes, causing it to be harder to see. "What do I do?" I asked, scared. I had seen how Dad treated Aaron. He was sheltered most of my life, that was the last thing I wanted now. Some of the worst things in life were when you get a taste of something nice and it's taken from you before you can even realize the circumstances, your left with nothing.

Aaron took a deep breath, thinking. "Well we won't be leaving the island for a bit longer because I have to finish my last few physical therapy sessions," Aaron explained. "In the mean time, I'll get you a bandana or something that will be easier to see out of. I need you to avoid leaving the house. You know that rim of red and orange around your field of vision?" Aaron asked.

I nodded as he continued. "If you see those, avoid looking at anyone and try to leave the room as soon as possible," Aaron advised.

"What about dad?" I asked, warily. Aaron shook his head. "He won't know until you have a good idea of controlling it. I'll make sure he doesn't find out," Aaron assured. I smiled and pulled him into a tight hug.

Aaron hugged me back and ruffled my hair. "You're lucky you don't have any ears or tail yet," He told me. "But if those do appear, call me and we'll have to figure out how to hide them," He said. I nodded as Aaron walked out. "I'll get some sunglasses for you in the morning so no one gets suspicious."

I nodded as Aaron walked out. Thank Irene for my big brother. And thank Irene he's the only one who knows.

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