1. Coming back

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(This story is dedicated to Journey bc she's radical c:::: I hope you like it, Journey)


'I breathe you in with smoke. In the back yard light' I sang the lyrics to Bullet Proof Love by Pierce The Veil while strumming the cords on my acoustic.

I was uploading another YouTube cover video on my channel 'TakingJourneys'. (Fake channel.. I think I just made it up.)

I guess you could say I was a little popular.

"My love for you was bulletproof but your the one who shot me..."

I had 1,487 subscribers so.. I was a little known. Not much though.

I'd been doing this for a year now. No body beside my BEST FRIEND, Calum, knew I could sing, or play the guitar. None of friends, nor family. I always made sure I was home alone before I made a video. Which was at least once a week, so I made a video every week sometimes twice of I'm in the mood.

'No, I'm barely hanging on. By the time you hear this I'll already be gone. Now there's nothing to do, but tear my voice apart, (nothing to do), and scream at the drunken moon..." I strummed the last cords and let them vibrate a little, giving the song more of a dramatic ending.

I stopped the video and began editing right away. I always made it lyrics to my singing, because I didn't want anyone to know it was me. I've always been self conscious and it didn't stop now.

As I decided on New Times Roman for the font of the lyrics, I heard my phone vibrate. I groaned as I had to get up to get it from the charger. But I sigh, and reluctantly get up, snatching it from the charger, and sitting back down to finish editing. I'll check it later. This needs to be done. I'm already late. I said it'd be up by 2 on twitter and it's 2:43. 15 minutes go by and my phone vibrates 3 more times. By the time I finish, it had gone of 11 more times.

Who the hell needs me? What could be so urgent that they need to text me 15 times?! I think as I unlock my phone.

15 new messages from CalPal<3

I hop from my chair, smiling like an idiot. I hadn't seen him in a year! I mean yeah we kinda of kept touch, he's my best friend. Why wouldn't we? But I haven't talked to him in 3 months!

I quickly open them and laugh.

He's such a dork.

Hey J!

Journeyyyy boooo?


Journey there's a spider. I need your comforting texts.


This is the 6th damn text I've sent you.


Journey I have something to tell you.

It's important.


Are you editing a video?

Your probably editing a video.


Journey. Come oooooon. ::::(


I couldn't stop laughing.

I quickly sent him a reply.

Hey Cal. Sorry, I was indeed editing a video. But shhh don't tell anyone. But hey c: whatta ya need to tell me? Hmmm? Important? Oh and I doubt there's a spider. xD

I sent it and walked into the kitchen to make some food.

Putting some Pizza Rolls in the microwave, I went to the fridge to see what kinda of beverages we had.

My family wasn't poor, but we weren't rich either. We could afford decent things.

I pulled out a can of Mtn. Dew and popped it open, sipping it.

The phone vibrated again.

A smile instantly grew on my face.

Journeyyyy! I knew you were editing c: and you know I won't tell a soul. And yeah, I has some news. You in a place where I can call you?

I was about to reply when it vibrated again.

(Ps, there wasn't a spider. But I mean, Michael can be pretty scary sometimes.)

I laughed. Michael? I've heard of Calum's band mates, I've just never met them.



And Ashton.

I've never spoken to Michael. Just Ashton and Luke. Michael was always off doing something or other. Ashton and I were pretty close. Luke was an idiot, always picking arguments with me. But he's pretty cool, I guess. He's definitely got them looks. They all do. Even Calum. I know it's weird to talk about your best friends like that, but I mean c'mon, Calum's a cutie.


I've talked to Ashton and Luke, but never to Michael. I know Cal was joking when he said Michael could be pretty scary. Because he's not. I've seen pictures, and I know a few things. I mean, I googled them. Who wouldn't google your best friends band mates?

I replied,

Yeah mate. I'm at home, no ones here. You can call me. Oh, and tell Michael to shut up and stop scaring my Calum ;)

I set my phone down to get my Pizza Rolls. I was kinda starving. Singing makes you hungry man.

As I stuffed my face, my phone vibrated once again.

Incoming call from: CalPal<3

I squealed and answered it, swallowing.

"Hello? Who is this? Is the the Pizza guy?" I asked, trying to laugh.

"Uh, no. It's Calum from YouTube." Calum's deep, but cute Australian voice answered me.

"Oh, well. Hi Calum from YouTube."

"Hi Journey."

"So, whatta ya need to tell me?" I asked, raising my eye brows.

"Open your door."


Hey guys! First chapter! Ayeeee ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

How do you guys like it so far?

Please comment and tell me!

It would mean loads! I really like your guys input and feedback. Like, tell me if I make any mistakes or what you like/dislike about it. Okay? Thanks!





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