17. Dinner (part 2)

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(A/N: quick note, uh, I'm writing this at 4am so I'm really really sorry for any mistakes okay? Now that that's covered I'll let you back to the story.)


I ran into the very last stall and locked myself in.

I don't understand why people are so cruel.

I don't understand why Michael can't see that I like him. I like him a lot.

I don't understand a lot of things and I'm not sure why I'm being so emotional.

I need to get myself together. This is not something to cry over. I am stronger than this. If Michael doesn't see that I'm into him, fine. I'll just have to move on.

I stood up and straightened myself out. I smoothed my skirt and walked out if the stall. I made sure my hair look alright, same with my make up (water proof) and walked out of the bathroom with my head held high.

"Journey!" Calum jumped up when I returned to the table. All the food was already there.

"Calum." I responded, no emotion in my voice what so ever.

"Are you alright?" He asked, cautiously.

"I'm fine." I slid into the booth, next to Luke, leaving Calum to take my old seat. I didn't want to sit in front of Michael.

I switched mine and Calum's plates before he could say anything, and started eating. It was silent, and a bit awkward but i didn't mind. I was going to eat my food, and leave. Once we were back on the bus, I would change and go to sleep. I didn't plan on talking to anyone else for the ready of the night.

As I took a drink of my diet coke, Gale broke the silence.

"So, uh, what was that whole episode earlier?"

I glared at him. "It was nothing. I don't want to talk about it." I said, shoving more food in my face.

Michael sighed. "Journey you're going to have to tell us sometime."

I finished chewing and swallowed. "I said I don't want to talk about it, dammit!" I threw my fork down. "Can't I just keep something to myself for once? It's not like any if you actually care beside maybe Calum! Why should I tell someone who doesn't care about my problems? Their mine. Not yours. Just stop and stay out of my business! Move Calum." I snapped.

He didn't budge. "Calum. Move."

"No, Journey." He sighed. "Not until you tell us what's going on. What's making you so damn emotional?"

I groaned. "Nothing! I'm not going to tell you guys that the reason I'm crying is because I'm getting so much hate and rudeness thrown at me. I'm not gonna tell you that I'm emotional because they make me hurt and feel bad. Im not gonna tell you that im hurting because the guy I like doesn't like me back and is flirting with other girls as we speak! I'm not gonna put my problem on your shoulders so just move!" I screamed, making the whole resteraunt turn towards us.

Tears were streaming down my face, again. I just wanted to get out of here.

Calum finally slowly got up and I grabbed my things and ran out of the building. I ran down the street and turned before I finally started slowing down.

I found a bench and I collapsed onto it. Burying my face in my hands, I sobbed once more, not caring about the loud hic-ups coming from my mouth.

I don't want to cry. But I can't seem to stop. I can't seem to stop thinking about all those rude messages. I can't stop thinking if why they'd want to hurt me? They don't know me. What have I done to them? Why would they tell me to kill myself? That's horrible! No matter how much I hated someone, I would never tell them that. I just... I know it's going to get worse as I keep progressing and getting bigger and touring with the boys. I don't know how I'm going to handle it. But I know I'm going to have to some how. I'm not going to let a few rude comments ruin my career.

I sniffle and wipe my eyes a bit.

"Hey, I couldn't help but notice you sitting here alone, and crying. I wanted to make sure you were okay?" A voice said, softly.

I snapped my head up to see a tall, very attractive guy standing in front of me. He was wearing a plain black shirt with a dark red flannel over it and dark grey skinny jeans. He had in all black converse and his hair was long, black, and flippy. Kind of like how Calum's used to be but longer.

"I, uh, I'm fine now. But uh, thanks for checking. That's really nice of you." I attempt to smile at him.

"It's nothing, really. A pretty girl like you shouldn't out here all alone."

I blushed.

He noticed and chuckled.

"I'm Alex." He said, stretching out a hand, as he sat next to me.

I grabbed it and shook it with out hesitation. His hands were soft. I liked him.

"I'm Journey."

"Well, Journey. You seem like you need a little but of cheering up. Wanna go have some fun?" He stood up, holding his hand out to me once more.

He grinned at me when I took it.

Alex didn't seem like a bad person. He was actually really nice and caring from what I've seen so far. He seemed like a fun dude and I wasn't going to pass up a chance to have fun, especially when I need it right now. I was going to have fun tonight and I didn't care who saw me.

"Let's go have some fun, Alex." I smiled.

"Let's go have some fun, Journey." He grinned back at me as we started down the sidewalk, our hands still intertwined.


Sorry it's short again. But I wanted to update before I forgot.

Also I just wanted to point out that Alex is...

Alex Ramos from vine.

Sorry if you hate me.

Love you if you don't.

But I honestly love this guys to pieces and if you don't, I respect that. But keep your opinion to yourself, okay? I don't really want or care to hear it.

Sorry if I'm being a bitch I just get over protective when it comes to people I care about.

Anyways. I hope you like the chapter! The next chapter will continue from this one and go one with Journey and Alex's night of fun.

Thanks for reading and remember to...




Love you all!😘


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