9. Truth or Dare?

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*4 days later Journey's pov*

We all sat around the hotel room, just lounging.

"Guys!" I whined. "I'm boreeeed."

I heard them all sigh.

Michael and I still hadn't spoken a word to each other since our little episode and each day it gets harder.

"I never thought I'd say this, but I agree Journey." Luke chuckled.

Things had been the same between us, Fortunately, ever since he convinced me to go big.

Which I was currently working on. He told me he'd been talking with some management and important people but he won't give me any details. I've been working in posting a video, with my actual face in it, hoping people will like me.

The past couple days we'd just been hanging out, relaxing, swimming in the hotel pool, etc.

"Why don't we play truth or dare?" Ashton suggested, sitting upside down on the couch with Michael and Luke on either side of him.

Me and Calum were sitting in the chair, me lying across his lap on my stomach, scrolling through Tumblr.

"Yeah, I'm down." Calum said.

"Why not?" Luke agreed.

"I mean, it's something to do, right?" I switched from Tumblr to YouTube. I had gained about 100 more subscribers since last weeks video. Which reminded me, tomorrow's update day.

We all looked towards Michael expectantly.

"Fine. Whatever." He sighed.

We all got up and moved the coffee table to we could sit in a circle on the ground.

Me and Michael facing each other. Oh, joy.

"Who goes first?" I asked.

"I will, since I suggested the game." Ashton said proudly.

"Dork." I chuckled.





Small chuckled and 'Oooh''s came from Calum and Luke while Michael just looked annoyed.

"Are we going to play?" He snapped.

But no one seemed to notice his attitude but me.

"Oh right. Luke, truth or dare?" Ashton turned towards lip ring boy.

"Uuuuuuuuhhhhhmmm. Dare." Luke said.

"I dare you to... Rub peanut butter all over your face." Ashton chuckled like he was so clever.

Luke's face twisted in disgust but he reluctantly got up and grabbed peanut butter from the small kitchen.

Returning, he rubbed the sticky peanuty substance all over his face.

"When do I get to wash it off?" He said quickly.

"When the next turn is over." Ashton said.

Luke then turned to Calum.

"Cal pal mal dal. Truth or dare?" Luke asked.


"Loser. Um. Okay. If you could date anyone of us, who would it be?" Luke smirked, but again, no one noticed but me.

"Oh, definitely you, peanut butter face." Calum chuckled playfully, yet I could tell there was a hint of truth behind his voice.

I just shrugged it off when Calum turned to me, as Luke got up to wash the peanut butter off.

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