3. Apologise.

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//Journey// (It'll always be Journey's POV unless said otherwise.)

By the time I was all ready to head over to the boys' hotel, it was 6PM.

Calum, Ashton, Luke and even Michael had texted me to see where I was.

From: CalPal<3

Hey guideline where are ya?


Gurl* I meant GURL.

From: Lucas Robert cx

Hey brat c: where are you? Were waiting.

From: AshTheSmAshIrwin ^.^

Hey little one. Where ya at? We miss you xc

From: unknown number

Hey Babe. It's Michael. Sorry for earlier today. Where are you? All the boys are freaking out and it's getting a little weird. You should hurry. Sorry again. Can we talk when you get here?

He called me 'babe'. For some reason this warm feeling rose in my chest and I couldn't stop smiling.

I texted the boys back that I was on my way, but I stopped and actually put some thought into Michael's.


Hey Mikey c: it's okay. You were defending your girlfriend, I understand. But did you really have to call me ugly? And Calum's always weird so I'm used to that. I'm on my way. Oh, and yes. We can talk.

I hit send before I could change my mind, and grabbed my keys. I quickly gathered everything in my bag.

I didn't like to carry purses. So I carried a Falling in Reverse draw string back pack. It's a lot easier, to be honest.

I quickly decided to change my shirt because it had a mayo stain on it.

I dug through my door before finally just pulling out a shirt and throwing it on. It of course was my 5 seconds of summer shirt.

Yeah, I had 5sos merch. Who in there right mind wouldn't?

I throw on my backpack and shoved my phone in my pocket and I even put on my Ashton case before I put it in my pocket. (It was the only 5sos case I had atm)

I quickly walked out, mailing sure everything was locked, before climbing into my car.

It wasn't like a Mustang or Lamborghini. It was a nice little Mazda with a sunroof.

As I drove I realised I didn't know what hotel they were staying in. I quickly ringed the first number I clicked.

"Hello Journey." Michael's deep voice said through the speaker.

I blushed even though he couldn't see me.

"Hi,uh, hi Michael." I stuttered.

"Is there something you need?" He asked.

I suddenly realised how weird it was to him. Me just calling him out of the blue.

"Oh, uh yeah. I don't know what hotel your in." I said quickly.

"Oh. Right." He said. "Hold on."

I heard shuffling around and then talking, but I couldn't make out the words. I just assumed he was asking what hotel they were in.

"The big orange one." Was what he said when he came back to the phone.

I laughed, "The Davidson?"

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