15. Tour

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I was woken by my phone blasting Scream by the Misfits.

Luke was calling.

"Ugh, what the hell?" I groaned into the phone.

"Journey! Get the hell up! You have an hour before we pick you up. Tour starts today!" He shouted, hanging up before I could reply.

I groaned but shot out if bed anyways. I couldn't be late or they'd leave me. I know that for a fact because of the little 'chat' I had with the manager, Gale.

(A/N: I don't know their managers name so I just made that one up.)

I quickly hopped in the shower before I get ready.

-Skip getting ready cause boring-

I dragged my last suitcase down the stairs and huffed. I had a lot of shit for only a couple months.

I sighed and went to dial Calum's number when he bust through my door.

"WE HAVE ARRIVED. Now let's go, were late." He chuckled.

I laughed and grabbed my stuff but Calum and Ashton pushed me away. "We got this." Ashton flipped his hair.

I just grinned and shook my head. "It weighs a million pounds." I warned, yet they picked them up with ease. "Damn." I mumbled.

They laughed and carried my shit out while I ran around my house, checking I had everything I needed.

I was about to leave when I passed picture hung up on my wall.

I stopped and stared at it.

It was a picture of me and Calum as tiny little toddlers, and our parents standing behind us, smiling.

I think the neighbour had taken that picture.

I felt my chest tighten as tears started to pool in my eyes.

My mother had died when I was 9 but I didn't really like to talk about that, nor talk about my father, who had booted me out at 16 and forced me to live with Calum.

Well, he didn't force me, Calum and his family took me in, but I was still pissed that he had kicked me out for no reason. Literally. He was drinking and he started yelling and one thing led to another and he shoved me out the door into the pouring sleet with nothing but my phone.

I felt the tears trail down my cheeks and I wiped them but more fell. I hayes thinking about my father. He didn't need me and I didn't need him. I missed my mother so much thought. I hated thinking about any if this shit.

"Journey, ya co- oh, J." Calum's voice softened as he saw me staring at the picture. He knew exactly what I was thinking.

"Don't think about that bastard. He's worthless and you don't need him. You have me." He hugged me as I broke out into sobs, hiccuping into his shoulder.

"I hate him. I hate him for kicking me into the streets at 16. I hate him for leaving me with nothing. I hate him for not caring." I screamed into Calum's chest.

"Come in, Jay." Calum rubbed my back. "Think happy thoughts. You've got your first ever show in three days! You excited?" He pulled away but still held onto my shoulders, shaking them gently.

I sniffled and chuckled softly. "Actually, I'm really nervous. We haven't even told your fans about me being your opening act. What if they don't like me?"

"Aw, Journey." Calum sighed. "That's not happy thoughts."

I laughed. "You're right, I'm sorry. I am very excited, thank you for doing this for me." I hugged him.

"It was no problem, baby girl." He hugged back, petting my hair like in all the movies, except this was a brotherly gesture, not a 'I'm in love with you' gesture.

"Now," he pulled away, "Let's go. We are already super late as shit."

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