18. Some fun.

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Alex and I walked down the pavement side by side looking for something fun to do.

Suddenly Alex stopped and started sacking my arm while pointing to a shop.

It was late night arcade.

Alex squealed and ran towards it and I laughed, following him.

He burst through the door to see it was totally empty.

"Perfect. We got the whole place to ourselves Journ!"

I flinched but didn't say anything, happy he didn't notice either.

I knew that was the nick name Michael gave me, but I needed to get over him. He was obviously never going to like me back.

"What should we play first?" I asked, trying to get myself back in the mood.

"Let's play this one!" He ran over to the racing game. The one where you have to sit on the two motorcycle things and lean left/right and yeah.

"I'm so going to beat you." Alex challenged.

"Oh, I doubt that." I grinned at him, all thoughts of Michael in the back of my mind once again as we slipped our tokens into the machine and started the game.


"Fuck yeah!" I shouted as I did a little happy dance, putting the plastic gun back.

Alex frowned. "That's the third time you've won! You had to have cheated."

I laughed. "How the hell do you cheat at a game that consists of shooting deer?"

"I don't know!" He threw his hands in the air. "You tell me! Freaking master mind."

I laughed once more.

"Suck my ass." Alex grumbled, crossing his arms on his chest.

That only made me laugh harder, Alex soon joining me.

But too soon, we were interrupted by a pissed off manager.

"S'cuse me? We are now closed. You have to leave." The guy snapped

I leaned closer, looking at his name tag.

"Well thank you... Calvin. We will-"

"CALVIN THE ASIAN ONE." Alex screamed, though the guy was clearly Mexican, as he ran in circles.

(Sorry if this is rude to some of you, it's a joke. High five to those of you who get the joke. Again, ITS A JOKE.)

I furrowed my eye brows in confusion but laughed anyways.

"Get out of my arcade!" He screamed, jerking his pointer finger towards the doors.

"Okay, okay. Were leaving. Damn." I held up my hands, before pushing Alex towards the exit.

Once we were out we both started laughing.

"Did you see his face?!" Alex chuckled as we started to walk down the side walk.

I nodded, trying to catch my breath.

I pulled my phone out of my bag and was surprised to see it was midnight.

"Wow. Time flies." I murmured.

"Sure does." Alex agreed, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

I sighed. "I should probably get back to the hotel."

I heard Alex sigh as we stopped.

"Do you need a ride?" He asked.

"No, I'll just call Calum." I muttered, nonchalantly.

Alex's eyes shot up and met mine as I gasped, realising my mistake.

"Calum? As in.. Calum Hood?" He asked, cautiously.

I nodded slowly.

"Oh my god. So you're.. You're that Journey?! I had no idea! Dude! This is so fricken cool! I just spent almost 4 hours with Journey freaking Young!" He said, turning in circles as he fangirled.

I laughed.

"And I just spent almost 4 hours with Alex Ramos." I said, sarcastically.

He obviously didn't hear the sarcasm as he came to a hault.

"Wait. You know who I am?" He asked.

I stood, a confused look on my face. "Uh. No. Are you like famous or something?"

He grinned. "I'm actually popular on vine. Not as popular as 5sauce but I'm in the hundred thousands so." He flipped his hair dramatically.

I laughed. "I'll look you up sometime. I'll also tell the boys to follow you on twitter. You seem like a pretty great fan." I smiled.

He grin only grew wider as he started to fangirl once more.

"So what's your twitter?" I asked when I figured he'd calmed down enough.

"At sorryimalex." he replied instantly.

I searched him up and followed him.

"Well, I followed you. I'll tell Calum and the rest of the boys to follow you when I get to the hotel okay? Oh! And gimme your number." I told him. "I'd like to keep in contact. You're really cool."

He gasped. "Journey young thinks I'm cool. Oh god. Best day ever." I could tell he was playing around and I laughed. "Oh, and Calum already follows me." He said, handing me his phone.

I nodded as I entered my number and sent myself a quick text

"Alright. Thanks for making me feel a lot better, Alex. I had a lot of fun." I hugged him.

"Anytime, Journey. I had fun also." He grinned at me once we had pulled away.

He got in his car and drove off.

I sighed and dialled Calum's number, so he could come pick me up

"Journey?! Where the fuck are you?" Calum's voice rang through the speaker.

"I'm outside of 'Calvin's Funtime Arcade', could you come get me?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'll be there in ten." He said swiftly and hung up.

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