4. So close.

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I ended up spending the night at their hotel. Which meant I had so sleep (cuddle not the other way around you pervs) with Ashton.

Which wasn't really that bad, because I like cuddling and it made Monica pissed as hell.

"Ashton?" I heard Monica's annoying voice speak.

I kept my eyes closed and snuggled closer to Ashton.

Can she just go away and let me sleep?

"Ashton? Ashton I need to talk to you." Monica said.

I felt her shake him, and I groaned.

"Just go away. Were sleeping Monica." I mumbled

"Shut up, bitch." Monica snapped.

"Monica. Go away. Journey and I are sleeping." Ashton grumbled.

"Well wake up. It's already 2pm." Michaels harsh voice said.

My eyes snapped open and I jumped back at how close Monica was to my face.

"Ugh get away." I pushed her back, gently of course.

"Don't touch me, cunt." Monica growled.

"Monica just go away." Ashton snapped.

Monica looked taken back.

"Can I talk to you?" She hissed.

"Fine. Whatever." He said, reluctantly getting up.

"I'll miss you." I cooed and Monica glared at me.

I waited until they were in the kitchen before I got up and followed them.

"Ashton just break it off with her." Monica said, annoyance clear in her voice.

"What if I don't want to?" Ashton Shot back.

"Ashton! You know I like you."

"Your with MICHAEL."

"I don't want Michael I want you."

Oh shit. That's gotta-

"Monica?" Michaels voice called.

"Yes. He's gonna fine out." I whispered to myself.

He walked past me and into the kitchen.

"Hey Mon." Michaels voice was casual. What?

I walked into the kitchen and looked at Ashton. He just shrugged.

I quickly grabbed Ashton's hand and pulled him out of the kitchen.

"What the hell happened?" I asked.

"I don't know." He shrugged. "I guess she heard Michael or something."

I just sighed and shook my head, walking away.

He grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

He gently lifted my chin and said, "Hey. I'm sorry, okay? I really am. I love you." He then pulled me into a hug.

I was really confused and a little terrified until I saw Monica glaring at us from the end of the hallway. Then I understood what he was doing.

As least I hope that's what he did it.


Hey!! Sorry it's so short! I've been having a bit of writers block but now I'm back on a role!!

Again sorry it's so short! I'm working on a much better and dramatic-er chapter.

Next chapter includes: drama with Michael and Monica, and Ashton and Michael.

So be ready!

Thanks for reading! It means loads!





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