8. Go BIG

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When I wake up, I sit up and stretch. My face feels dry and scratchy.

That's when everything that happened yesterday hit me like a ton of bricks and I suddenly feel like crying again.

I get up and out of bed and walk to my bathroom. I turn on the faucet and wash my face real quick.

As I turn out the light, I realise i need to upload a video today. I nod to myself. I'll do it later.

I quietly pad down the stairs, hoping they had left. I wasn't up for seeing Michael right now. No matter how much I wanted to. I knew I'd start crying again.

But if course, luck was never on my side.

"Hey, Journey." Ashton smiles at me. I just nod, no emotion on my face.

I go to the fridge and pull out apple juice and white grape juice and shut it again.

I pull out a cup and pour half of each into it before returning the cartons to the fridge.

"So, we were gonna go out to breakfast, do you want to join?" Calum asked, casually as Luke and Ashton raised an eyebrow at what I had just done.

I shook my head. "I'll just have toast." I said, staring blankly at the table. I heard footsteps walk into the kitchen and I could feel Michaels stare on the back of my head.

"Morning." His voice was low and rough and so god damned sexy.

Everyone ignored him and was staring at me.

"Okay, what the hell is your problem, Journey? You're always up to hang with us." Luke snapped.

I lifted my head to glare at him and shot out of my seat.

"Yeah? Well not today, asshole. I don't want to hang out with you today! Is that a fucking problem? So go have breakfast with yourselves. I don't want to be around anyone today. Or for the rest of the week." I turned to walk out and my eyes met Michaels.

I just shook my head and wiped the tears that had started to fall, and ran into my room, slamming the door.

I fell into my bed with a heavy sigh and more tears started to fall. God, did I ever stop crying?

I coughed and sat up.

I got up and started setting up my equipment for a new video.

I knew exactly what song I was going to sing.

I grabbed my guitar when there was a knock on my door. I jumped and his my guitar.

I opened my door a crack and saw Calum.

"Were gonna head out for breakfast. Are you sure you don't wanna come?" He asked.

I nod. "I'm sure." his eyes flashed sadness but he nodded anyways and said goodbye.

I waited until I heard the front door shut, before I grabbed my guitar.


Luke's POV

"She's not coming guys." Calum pouted as he came downstairs.

"What's her problem anyways? god, she's being such a brat." I rolled my eyes.

"Shut up, Luke." Michael scoffed.

I raised an eyebrow at him, but ignored his remark.

I was actually kinda worried about Journey. Sure, she pissed me off a lot, but she's like my little sister.

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