2. Here.

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"Open.. My... ? ...CALUM!" I screamed running to my front door and swinging it open.

Only to see no one.

"Calum!" I yelled into phone.

I heard laughing from the phone and behind me.

I whipped around and there stood Calum. His phone in his hand, but he shoved it in his pockets and opened his arms.

My phone hit the floor as I ran into his arms.

"Calum! Cal! I missed you so much! Oh, Cal!" I said into his shoulder.

"I missed you too, Journey! God, I missed you so much." He hugged me tighter.

When we finally pulled away we were laughing.

"So. Uh. Guys. Not to ruin the moment or anything, but uh, Luke has to pee." Ashton's voice spoke up.

I started laughing even harder.

"Oh, shut up, Journey." Luke spat, which only made me laugh harder.

"Your such an annoying brat." He spoke. "Where's the bathroom?"

"Down the hall." I pointed, trying to catch my breath.

He scoffed and took of down the hall.

"Hey, Ashtoooon!" I said, giving him a hug even though this is the first time I've met him.

"Hey! Journeyyyy." He laughed, hugging me back.

We pulled away and I turned to look at Michael but he was staring down at his phone.

"Hi, Michael. I'm Journey. It's nice to meet you." I said holding out my hand.

He was so much cuter in person. His green hair all spiked up and it looked perfect. Everything about him looked perfect.

He didn't look up. He just mumbled a small, "Hey. I'm Michael." and kept typing away.

I looked at Calum and he just shrugged. I dropped my hand it'll my side.

"Well, anyone wanna go out to the back and swim?" I asked.

"Yes, I would like that a lot. Michael?" Calum looked over to the boy who was still glued to his phone.

Michael was silent.



"Michael!" Calum yelled.

"What!?" Michael finally looked up and I couldn't help but stare into his bright green eyes, even though he was looking at Calum.

"Do. You. Want. Go. Swimming? Maybe stop talking to that whore bag for 2 damn seconds?!" Calum yelled, frustratedly.

"Excuse me? Whore bag? You're just jealous that your girlfriend isn't as pretty." Michael gestured over to me.

"Um I'm not his girlfriend. Calum's my best friend." I butt in. Michael was super attractive and I admit I was crushing a tiny bit but his attitude was uncalled for.

Especially since he just basically called me ugly.

"And are you saying I'm ugly? Your already judging me after not even 15 minutes after meeting me? Wow. That's low, Michael.. Low."

"Who's calling you ugly?" Luke stood at my side defensively.

I knew he cared.

"Your green haired friend over here." Jerking my thumb towards him.

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